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Natural Sightings: A hunter of other birds
Tehachapi News
Vikki Worrell took this photo in the city of Tehachapi of what appears to be an immature Cooper's Hawk (Accipiter cooperii) perched on a...
44 months ago
Nature Notes: The Cooper’s hawk, a riveting bird of prey
The Day
If I could affix a nickname to this striking bird of prey, I'd call it the “flying torpedo.” Its real name is Cooper's hawk, Accipiter...
81 months ago
Are life history events of a northern breeding population of Cooper's Hawks influenced by changing climate?
Wiley Online Library
Ecology & Evolution is a broad open access journal welcoming research in ecology, evolution, and conservation science, and providing a forum...
94 months ago
Why a hawk is a hummingbird's best friend
Science | AAAS
Sometimes it pays to have big, bad neighbors. Weighing in at about 3 grams, black-chinned hummingbirds (Archilochus alexandri) can do little...
110 months ago
City hawks flock to feeders to find prey
The Wildlife Society
Bustling cities like Chicago are not usually known for their wildlife, but Cooper's (Accipiter cooperii) and sharp-shinned hawks (Accipiter...
71 months ago
Mindful Birding and Bird Language
Audubon California
Mindful bird sits are a simple yet potent practice that cultivates a quiet mind, relaxation, and a deep love for birds.
54 months ago
Fig. 1. Heavy snowfall during a severe, midApril 2018 storm in Stevens...
That said, the study area experienced a severe spring storm during 14-16 April 2018 (defined as ≥ 3 days of consecutive heavy precipitation [sensu Anctil et...
78 months ago
Pen in Hand: Cooper's Hawks: lightning fast raptors that can catch other birds on the wing
Tehachapi News
Cooper's Hawks (Accipiter cooperii) feed primarily on other birds, so by necessity they are incredible flyers: quick, maneuverable and fearless.
64 months ago
City birds retain their fear of hawks
The Wildlife Society
Have urban birds lost their ability to rough it due to the comforts of city living? Researchers wanted to learn more about urban bird...
24 months ago
Flameproof Falcons and Hawks Soar Over Areas of B.C.
The Wildlife Society
Researchers studying the amount of flame-retardant chemicals consumed by hawks and falcons in British Columbia found these birds may not be so easy to burn.
73 months ago