Aegolius ridgwayi from
... Aegolius ridgwayi ( Alfaro ) 1905 • Unspotted Saw - whet Owl Ridgwaykauz⚫ Chouette de Ridgway ( Nyctale immaculée ) · Tecolote abetero Sureno Cryptoglaux ridgwayi Alfaro 1905 , Proc . Biol . Soc . Wash . 18 : 217 ; Terra typica : Cerro ...
Aegolius ridgwayi from
... Aegolius ridgwayi. In IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, version 2014.3, http://www Blancher et al. 2013. Briggs 1954. Butchart, S., and J. Ekstrom. Southern saw-whet owl Aegolius ridgwayi ...
Aegolius ridgwayi from
... Aegolius funereus ; it is white below with reddish streaks and a streaky - looking reddish face without a dark ruff . Note the white spots on the scapulars . New York , USA , March ... Aegolius ridgwayi L 18–20cm, Wt c. Forest owls 445.
Aegolius ridgwayi from
... Aegolius ridgwayi Aegolius harrisii Ninox affinis Ninox burhani Tyto alba (locally) Tyto furcata pratincola Bubo ketupu Bubo peli Ninox sumbaensis la lb ld le lf lh 1g 1k 1c 41.
Aegolius ridgwayi from
... Aegolius ridgwayi , or the ferruginous pygmy owl , Glaucidium gnoma kuxkux , identified as the ferrugi- nous pygmy owl ahk ' ubal toytoy , the northern pygmy owl , Glaucidium gnoma ; also the unspotted saw - whet owl , Aegolius ...
Aegolius ridgwayi from
... Aegolius ridgwayi, Table 15.2). These were realized in Tlaxcala, Hidalgo, Chihuahua, Durango, Chiapas, and Morelos, among others. The study areas have been very local and are generally done in protected natural areas like biosphere ...
Aegolius ridgwayi from
... Aegolius ridgwayi, and the buff-fronted owl A. harrisii. All of these are smaller than boreal owls and occur in the New World only. Saw-whet owls range throughout boreal and temperate forest belts in Canada and Alaska, but their range ...
Aegolius ridgwayi from
... Aegolius acadicus See E , W , or T Memo : Small , earless ; broad brown streaks below . Immature chocolate - brown ... ridgwayi 7-72 Pl . 16 Field marks : A small tuftless owl , differing from the Northern Saw - whet and all other ...
Aegolius ridgwayi from
... Aegolius acadicus Northern saw - whet owl Tecolotito cabezón , Lechucita cabezona 33 4626 . Aegolius ridgwayi - Unspotted saw - whet owl ( 4613-4625 ) 39.
Aegolius ridgwayi from
... Aegolius acadicus Ninox strenua Asio flammeus Bubo scandiacus Asio stygius Aegolius ridgwayi Athene superciliaris Athene blewitti Xenoglaux loweryi Buphagus erythrorhynchus Loxioides bailleui Conuropsis carolinensis Psittacus erithacus ...