The pintail is among the most common of North American waterfowl and ranked second only to the mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) in hunter kill during 1969 and 1970 based on statistics reported by Croft (1971).
A review and synthesis of existing information were used to develop a model for evaluating wintering habitat quality for the northern pintail along the Gulf of Mexico.
... Anas acuta Atyeo , W. T. and Peterson , P. C. , 1976 , J. Georgia Entom . Soc . , v . 11 ( 4 ) , 349-366 Rectijanua sp .: Iran Anas acuta " shilokhvost " ( subcutaneous tissue in region of esophagus ) Belogurov , O. I .; Daiia , G. G ...
... Anas acuta ; see Dafila acuta . Anas albifrons ; see Anser albifrons . Anas anser domesticus ; see Anser an- ser domesticus . Anas anser fera ; see Anser anser . Anas boschas ; see Anas platyrhyncha . Anas boschas domestica ; see ...
With Coloured Illustrations of Their Eggs Henry Seebohm. ANAS ACUTA . PINTAIL . ( PLATE 63. ) Anas longicauda , Briss . Orn . vi . p . 369 ( 1760 ) . Anas acuta , Linn . Syst . Nat . i . p . 202 ( 1766 ) ; et auctorum plurimorum - Gmelin ...
... Anas acuta . Linn . Syst . Nat . I. 202 . Anas acuta . Lath . Ind . Orn . II . 864 . Pintail Duck . Mont . Orn . Dict . and Supplt . Canard à longue queue ou Pilet . Anas acuta . Temm . Man . d'Orn . II . 839 . Common Pintail . Querquedula ...