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American Pipit: Anthus Rubescens
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Nesting of the American Water Pipit Anthus Spinoletta ...
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Pipits and Wagtails of Europe, Asia and North America
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... rubescens (Tunstall, 1771) Anthus rubescens rubescens (Tunstall) Alauda Rubescens Tunstall, 1771. Orn. Brit., p. 2. Ex Pennant's Brit. Zool., p ... Anthus spinoletta littoralis Brehm Anthus littoralis Brehm, 1823. Lehrb. Naturg. 479.
The Auk
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... Anthus rubescens . American , see Anthus rubescens . Sprague's , see Anthus spraguei . Tree , see Pipastes maculatus . Pippiree , see Tyrannus rostratus . -gros - tete , see Myiarchus oberi . Top - knot , see Elainea martinica . Pipra ...
Global Register of Migratory Species: From Global to ...
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... Anthus hodgsoni RICHMOND , 1907 Olive - backed pipit Pipit à dos olive intercontinental CMS NL Anthus latistriatus ... rubescens ( TUNSTALL , 1771 ) Buff - bellied pipit Pipit d'Amérique intracontinental Anthus spinoletta ...
Field Guide to the Birds of Nepal: Second Edition
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... Anthus cervinus 330 Anthus godlewskii 328 Anthus hodgsoni 330 Anthus richardi 328 Anthus roseatus 330 Anthus rubescens 330 Anthus rufulus 328 Anthus similis 328 Anthus spinoletta 330 Anthus sylvanus 328 Anthus trivialis 330 Aplonis ...
Birds of the Middle East
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... Anthus hodgsoni Red-throated Pipit Anthus cervinus Buff-bellied Pipit Anthus (rubescens) japonicus Water Pipit Anthus spinoletta Common Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs Brambling Fringilla montifringilla Red-fronted Serin Serinus pusillus ...
Wildlife of Nebraska: A Natural History
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... anthus ruBescens Status: A common spring and fall migrant statewide. Habitats and Ecology: During the nonbreeding seasons this species occurs on very open terrain that usually has ... Anthus rubescens Sprague's Pipit. Anthus spragueii.
Book of North American Birds
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... Anthus rubescens , 125 Anthus spinoletta . See Anthus rubescens . Anthus spragueii , 126 Aphelocoma coerulescens , 225 Aphelocoma ultramarina , 225 Aphriza virgata , 477 Aquila chrysaetos , 18 Aramus guarauna , 441 Archilochus alexandri ...
Audubon's Birds of America: The Audubon Society Baby ...
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322. American. Pipit. [Brown. Titlark]. i. Anthus rubescens [Anthus Aquaticus] Order: Passeriformes Family: Motacillidae 0:000:00 / 0:00 / 0:00 (Song; Calls; Call) When Audubon painted this drab ... Anthus rubescens [Anthus Hypogaeus]