The rufous nightjar (Antrostomus rufus) is a species of nightjar in the family Caprimulgidae. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, ...
Fairly large nightjar with a wide distribution from Costa Rica to southern Brazil. Very similar in appearance to Chuck-will's-widow, but little range ...

Rufous nightjar

The rufous nightjar is a species of nightjar in the family Caprimulgidae. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guyana, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela. Wikipedia
Geographic range: Antrostomus rufus rufus: S Venezuela to the Guianas and n-central Brazil; Antrostomus rufus rutilus: S Brazil to e Bolivia, Paraguay and ...
Fairly large nightjar with a wide distribution from Costa Rica to southern Brazil. Very similar in appearance to Chuck-will's-widow, but little range ...
Rufous Nightjar is a large, brownish nightjar with a narrow, buffish colored hindneck collar, and a whitish throat band. There is no white in the wings, ...
129 foreground recordings and 41 background recordings of Antrostomus rufus . Total recording duration 2:00:42. Results format: detailed; concise · sonograms.
The rufous nightjar (Antrostomus rufus) is a species of nightjar in the family Caprimulgidae. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, ...
Antrostomus rufus. Rufous Nightjar. View Profile. overview characteristics geography timeline information & media contact. Overview. Scientific Name.
Habitat: This species can be found in second-growth woodland and forest borders. Distribution: Species reported from Southern Costa Rica to northern ...
Mar 6, 2023 · This nocturnal bird has a marked seasonal phenology of vocalization with peaks of activity varying in intensity throughout the breeding season; ...