Antrostomus rufus from
... Antrostomus cortapau PELZELN , Orn . Bras . , i . Abth . , 1868 , 13 ( Ponte de Guaporé , Corrego Funda , Barro de Rio Negro , and Pará , Brazil ; ex Natterer , manu ... Antrostomus rufus otiosus Bangs Antrostomus cubanensis Lawrence.
Antrostomus rufus from
... Antrostomus " GOULD , Icones Avium , 1838. " Antrostomus rufus ( BODD . ) . Caprimulgus rufus " BODD . et GMEL . ex Pl . Enl . p . 735. " Antrostomus rufus CASSIN , Pr . Acad . Nat . Sci . Phila . V , p . 183 . SCL . P. Z. S. , 1866 ...
Antrostomus rufus from
... Antrostomus cortapau PELZELN , Orn . Bras . , i . Abth . , 1868 , 13 ( Ponte de Guaporé , Corrego Funda , Barro de Rio Negro , and Pará , Brazil ; ex Natterer , manu ... Antrostomus rufus otiosus Bangs Antrostomus cubanensis Lawrence.
Antrostomus rufus from
... Antrostomus cortapau PELZELN , Orn . Bras . , i . Abth . , 1868 , 13 ( Ponte de Guaporé , Corrego Funda , Barro de Rio Negro , and Pará , Brazil ; ex Natterer , manu ... Antrostomus rufus otiosus Bangs Antrostomus cubanensis Lawrence.
Antrostomus rufus from
... Antrostomus rufus rufus ( Boddaert ) . Rufous Goatsucker . * 140 . Chordeiles virginianus virginianus ( Gmelin ) . Nighthawk . Female , Gatun , October 3 , 1911. Bill black , tarsi grayish . One of a flock feeding overhead . * 141 ...
Antrostomus rufus from
... Antrostomus pending further studies, but there are almost certainly unrecognised genera: Chuck-will's-widow Antrostomus carolinensis Rufous Nightjar Antrostomus rufus Cuban Nightjar Antrostomus cubanensis Hispaniolan Nightjar Antrostomus ...
Antrostomus rufus from
... Antrostomus rufus otiosus , St. Lucia , W. I .; Thamnophilus doliatus catus , Margarita Isl . , Venezuela ; Pyrocephalus rubinus blatteus , British Honduras ; and Leistes superciliaris petilus , Uruguay . As regards the Pyrocephalus the ...
Antrostomus rufus from
... Antrostomus rufus rufus ( Bodd . ) . RUFOUS GOATSUCKER . Caprimulgus rufus Boddaert , Tabl . Pl . Enl . , 1783 , p . 46 ( Cayenne ) ; HARTERT , Cat . Bds . Brit . Mus . , XVI , 1892 , p . 566 , part . Antrostomus rufus rufus RIDGWAY ...
Antrostomus rufus from
... rufus , Bucco 400 rubrolarvata , Aratinga . 57 Campylopterus . 169 rubrolarvatus , Aratinga .. 57 Caprimulgus . 132 Conurus . 57 otiosus , Antrostomus . 132 ruckeri fraseri , Threnetes . 151 Picus . 452 Glaucis . 150 rufus , Antrostomus ...
Antrostomus rufus from
... Antrostomus rufus rufus ( Boddaert ) . Antrostomus rufus BANGS , Proc . New England Zool . Club , I , 1899 , 78 ( San Sebastian ) . ALLEN , Bull . Am . Mus . Nat . Hist . , XIII , 1900 , 137 ( Bangs reference ) . - ! ? : Antrostomus ...