... Ardenna , but is so intimately connected with Ardenna gravis by individual variation of Ardenna creatopus that the differ- ence between the two supposed groups is thus completely bridged ; and Hemipuffinus , with its single species ...
... Ardenna creatopus R L 45–48cm. W 99–109cm. Sexes identical. ID Unmistakable. Dark morph (very rare) can be confused with other dark shearwaters, but note pinkish bill with black tip. Habitat Pelagic but always close to coasts. Voice ...
... ARDENNA CREATOPUS ( Coues ) . PINK - FOOTED SHEARWATER . HABITS . 66 This large shearwater is referred to by Godman ( 1907 ) as the Pacific representative of Puffinus ... Ardenna creatopus- Pink-footed shearwater Habits Distribution-
... ARDENNA CREATOPUS ( Coues ) . PINK - FOOTED SHEARWATER . HABITS . This large shearwater is referred to by Godman ... Ardenna creatopus_- Pink-footed shearwater_ Habits Distribution Ardenna gravis__ Greater shearwater_ Habits ...
... ( Ardenna creatopus ) The most common white - bellied Shear- water off the Northwest Coast , the Pink - footed Shearwater actually nests on islands off far - away Chile , but out- side of the breeding season , spreads out widely over the ...
... Ardenna creatopus 45–48cm , WS 110–118cm Common to fairly common Oct - May off N and Cen Chile ; smaller numbers Jun - Sep , when most move to N Pacific . Can be seen from shore , especially in windy conditions . Often scavenges at ...