Aythya valisineria from
... ( Aythya valisineria ) , Ph.D. Dissertation , University of Minnesota , Minneapolis . Bluhm , C. K. , Phillips , R. E. , and Burke , W. H. , 1983a , Serum levels of luteinizing hormone , prolactin , estradiol , and progesterone in laying ...
Aythya valisineria from
... valisineria & Aythya americana , n = 6 3.6 43.0 18.0 12.5 X 6.0 119 50 42 3.2 37.0 18.0 116 56 49 Desi breed , 8 wk ... Aythya ( a genus of diving ducks ) Diving and dabbling ducks comparison : see Anas section Aythya ferina71 ...
Aythya valisineria from
Eugene M. McCarthy. × Aythya valisineria (↔) [Canvasback] CAENHR. BRO: nw N. America. HPF. Hybrid SSvery similar to A. ferina. McIlhenny says his specimen's head was less round than Redhead's, but less sloping than Canvasback's. Shape ...
Aythya valisineria from
... Aythya valisineria " can- vasback " Gastrotaenia cygni Cornwell , G. W .; and Cowan , A. B. , 1963 a Michigan , all from ( under gizzard lining , duodenum ) Fimbriaria fasciolaris ( small intestine ) Hymenolepis megalops ( cloaca ) Aythya ...
Aythya valisineria from
... (Aythya valisineria, Anatidae). Be- havioral Ecology and Sociobiology 15: 81–90. Anderson, M. G. 1985a. Social behavior of breeding canvasbacks (Aythya valisineria): Male and female strategies of reproduction. PhD dissertation ...
Aythya valisineria from
... Aythya valisineria . 92-010468 Rouvier , R ; B. Poujardieu ; D. Rousselot - Pailley ; P. Larrue and D. Esteve . [ GENETIC EFFECTS ON GROWTH , FORCE FEEDING AND FATTY LIVER TRAITS IN CROSSES OF 2 SELECTED GEESE ( ANSER ANSER ) STRAINS ...
Aythya valisineria from
... Aythya americana ( Eyton ) . REDHEAD . Status and Distribution : Formerly a fairly common transient but recently becoming more scarce . Some breed ... Aythya affinis ( Eyton ) . LESSER SCAUP . Status 36 Aythya valisineria--Canvasback.
Aythya valisineria from
Aythya valisineria : Canvasback In 1925 , I was told by a trapper that canvasbacks had been seen on Urilia Bay , on Unimak Island . It was thought at the time that he had ... Aythya valisineria, Canvasback Aythya marila, Greater scaup.
Aythya valisineria from
... Aythya valisineria Anas acuta tzuitihoa Anas discors Aix sponsa Anas platyrhynchos Anas cyanoptera Bucephala albeola ... Aythya valisineria ( pato coacoxtle ) redhead Aythya Americana ( pato cabecirrojo ) ring - necked duck Aythya ...
Aythya valisineria from
... ( Aythya americana ) Aythya valisineria . See Canvasback ( Aythya valisineria ) back sleep , 105 , 106 , 108 , 110 badger , American ( Taxidea taxus ) activity , 129 as nest predator , 9 , 10 , 124 , 127 , 128 , 129 Baeolophus spp ...