Basileuterus melanogenys from
... Basileuterus rufifrons actuosus Coiba Rufous - capped Warbler Coiba I. ( S Panama ) Wetmore , 1957 Basileuterus melanogenys Black - cheeked Warbler C and S Costa Rica Baird , SF , 1865 Basileuterus melanogenys eximius Chiriqui Black ...
Basileuterus melanogenys from
... Basileuterus melanogenys eximius NELSON , Smithsonian Misc . Coll . , vol . 60 , No. 3 , 1912 , 22 ( Boquete [ 5,000 feet ] , Panama ; orig . descr .; type in coll . Mus . Comp . Zool . ) .— GOLDMAN , Smithsonian Misc . Coll . , vol ...
Basileuterus melanogenys from
... [ Basileuterus ] melanogenys SCLATER and SALVIN , Nom . Av . Neotr . , 1873 , 10 . BASILEUTERUS MELANOTIS Lawrence . BLACK - EARED WARBLER . Adults ( sexes alike ) .- Pileum with two broad lateral stripes of black , inclosing a broad ...
Basileuterus melanogenys from
... Basileuterus rufifrons flavigaster , adults ( p . 748 ) gg . Hindneck and sides of neck olive - green , like back ... melanogenys , adults ( p . 751 ) dd . No white superciliary stripe ; crown not chestnut . e . Spot in front of ...
Basileuterus melanogenys from
... Basileuterus melanogenys . Basileuterus melanogenys , Baird , Review Amer . B. p . 248 ( 1865 ) ; Lawr . Ann . Lyc . N. Y. ix . р . 95 ( 1868 ) ; Salv . P. Z. S. 1870 , p . 183 ; Scl . & Salv . Nomencl . Av . Neotr . p . 10 ( 1873 ) ...
Basileuterus melanogenys from
... Basileuterus melanogenys . Basileuterus melanogenys , BAIRD , n . S. Hab . High - lands of Costa Rica . mesochrysus . belli . ( No. 30,497 . ) Above ashy olive , the quills and tail feathers edged with brighter , edges of the latter ...
Basileuterus melanogenys from
... Basileuterus melanogenys . Basileuterus melanogenys , BAIRD , n . s . Hab . High - lands of Costa Rica . ( No. 30,497 . ) Above ashy olive , the quills and tail feathers edged with brighter , edges of the latter slightly tinged with ...
Basileuterus melanogenys from
... Basileuterus melanogenys . Basileuterus melanogenys , BAIRD , n . s . Hab . High - lands of Costa Rica . • mesochrysus . belli . ( No. 30,497 . ) Above ashy olive , the quills and tail feathers edged with brighter , edges of the latter ...
Basileuterus melanogenys from
... [ Basileuterus ] melanogenys SCLATER and SALVIN , Nom . Av . Neotr . , 1873 , 10 . BASILEUTERUS MELANOTIS Lawrence . BLACK - EARED WARBLER . Adults ( sexes alike ) .— Pileum with two broad lateral stripes of black , inclosing a broad ...
Basileuterus melanogenys from
... Basileuterus melanogenys . Basileuterus melanogenys , BAIRD , n . s . Hab . High - lands of Costa Rica . · mesochrysus . belli . ( No. 30,497 . ) Above ashy olive , the quills and tail feathers edged with brighter , edges of the latter ...