The gray-lined hawk (Buteo nitidus) is a smallish raptor found in open country and forest edges. It is sometimes placed in the genus Asturina as Asturina ...

Gray-lined hawk

The gray-lined hawk is a smallish raptor found in open country and forest edges. It is sometimes placed in the genus Asturina as Asturina nitida. The species has been split by the American Ornithological Society from the gray hawk. Wikipedia
Higher classification: Buteos
Scientific name: Buteo nitidus
Rank: Species
Pale gray overall with yellow legs and base of bill; barred black-and-white tail. Subtle gray barring on underparts and upperparts.
The gray-lined hawk (Buteo nitidus) is a smallish raptor found in open country and forest edges. It is sometimes placed in the genus Asturina as Asturina ...
Relatively small stick nest lined with sprigs, high in tree at forest edge. Aerial courtship, with stoops from great heights (up to 500 m) and mock chases.
Gray Hawk (Buteo nitidus, hereafter B. n. nitidus) was described by Latham (1790) as Falco nitidus, based on a specimen from Cayenne, French Guiana.
The gray-lined hawk (Buteo nitidus) is a smallish raptor found in open country and forest edges. It is sometimes placed in the genus Asturina as Asturina ...
The gray-lined hawk is a smallish raptor found in open country and forest edges. It is sometimes placed in the genus Asturina as Asturina nitida.
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The gray-lined hawk (Buteo nitidus) is a smallish raptor found in open country and forest edges. It is sometimes placed in the genus Asturina as Asturina ...
This species has an extremely large range, and hence does not approach the thresholds for Vulnerable under the range size criterion (extent of occurrence < ...
Scientific Name: Buteo nitidus. Common Name: Grey Hawk, Gray Hawk. Kingdom: Animalia. Location in Taxonomic Tree: Genus: Buteo. Species: Buteo nitidus.