Buteo albonotatus from
Robert Ridgway. BUTEO ALBONOTATUS ABBREVIATUS Cabanis SOUTHERN ZONE - TAILED HAWK Adult ( sexes alike ) .— Similar to that of Buteo albonotatus albonotatus , but somewhat smaller and without the slate tinge shown in some of the latter ...
Buteo albonotatus from
... BUTEO ALBONOTATUS ABBREVIATUS Cabanis 194 SOUTHERN ZONE - TAILED HAWK . Adult ( sexes alike ) . Similar to that of Buteo albonotatus albonotatus , but somewhat smaller and without the slate tinge shown in some of the latter . SILL ...
Buteo albonotatus from
... Buteo albonotatus albonotatus Kaup .... 275 Buteo albonotatus abbreviatus Cabanis___ 279 Buteo lineatus lineatus ( Gmelin ) . 280 Buteo lineatus elegans Cassin 287 Buteo lineatus texanus Bishop-- Buteo lineatus alleni Ridgway-- Buteo ...
Buteo albonotatus from
... Buteo albonotatus STATE INSTALLATION OCCURRENCE TX Brooks 3 BIRDS Zone - tailed hawk Buteo albonotatus TX Dyess 3 BIRDS Zone - tailed hawk Buteo albonotatus TX Goodfellow 2 BIRDS Zone - tailed hawk Buteo albonotatus TX Kelly 3 BIRDS ...
Buteo albonotatus from
... Buteo albonotatus , die voor het O. van noordelijk Zuid - Amerika in aanmerking komt , Buteo albono- tatus abbreviatus Cabanis , als „ , resident " voor ,, in the Pearl Islands and in Northern South America east to Suriname " , zodat ...
Buteo albonotatus from
BUTEO ALBONOTATUS ABBREVIATUS Cabanis SOUTHERN ZONE - TAILED HAWK Adult ( sexes alike ) .— Similar to that of Buteo albonotatus albonotatus , but somewhat smaller and without the slate tinge shown in some of the latter . Immature ...
Buteo albonotatus from
... Buteo albonotatus albonotatus . Zone - tailed Hawk . I also possess a set of these rare eggs from Chiapio , Mexico . * Buteo erythronotus erythronotus . Red - backed Buzzard . c / 1 . Falk- land Islands . Triorchis lagopus sancti ...
Buteo albonotatus from
... Buteo albonotatus albonotatus . Zone - tailed Hawk . I also possess a set of these rare eggs from Chiapio , Mexico . * Buteo erythronotus erythronotus . Red - backed Buzzard . c / 1 . Falk- land Islands . Triorchis lagopus sancti ...
Buteo albonotatus from
... Buteo albonotatus Parabuteo unicintus Elanus caeruleus Buteo swainsoni Buteo jamaicensis Buteo jamaicensis Falco peregrinus hawk , red - shouldered Buteo lineatus hawk , ferruginous osprey hawk , red - tailed Buteo regalis Pandion ...
Buteo albonotatus from
... Buteo swainsoni Buteo regalis Athene cunicularia hypugaea Lanius ludovicianus Pica pica hudsonia Lepus townsendii ... albonotatus Buteo regalis Athene cunicularia hypugaea Lanius ludovicianus Junco phaeonotus palliatus Passerina ...