Zone-tailed Hawk Buteo albonotatus · Species · Taxonomy · Names · Observed in County(s) · Apps and Maps · Tools For Biologists. Fisheries Management · Game ...
Characteristics: The total length of this species varies between 47 cm and 55 cm (measured from tip of bill to end of tail). Its wingspan is around 1.2 meters ...
Our picture shows an immature Zone-tailed Hawk, BUTEO ALBONOTATUS, a species distributed from the southwestern US throughout Mexico and Central America, clear ...
More brownish overall than adult, lower forehead white, white bases of feathers of at least part of head and upper body more or less exposed.
This species has an extremely large range, and hence does not approach the thresholds for Vulnerable under the range size criterion (Extent of Occurrence < ...
TRAITS. Buteo albonotatus is a medium-large hawk which can range from 45-56cm in length,. 119-140g in weight and have a wingspan of 119-140cm.
The adult Zone-tailed Hawk is black with yellow cere and legs. The tail is black with a median broad gray band. The juvenile is similar to the adult.
Nesting begins November-December in Central America. Breeds February-March in Trinidad (Palmer 1988). Eggs laid mostly in latter half of April in north (U.S.).
The Zone-tailed Hawk (Buteo albonotatus) is a species of the southwest. In flight, the species usually soars with its wings slightly tilted upward.
55 foreground recordings and 7 background recordings of Buteo albonotatus. Total recording duration 42:17.