British Museum (Natural History). Department of Zoology. 12. Campylorhynchus zonatus . Picolaptes zonatus , Less . Cent . Zool . pl . 70 ; Lafr . Rev. Zool . 1846 , p . 94 . Campylorhynchus zonatus , Gray , Gen. B. i . p . 159 ; Bp ...
... Campylorhynchus fasciatus Campylorhynchus nuchalis RANGE : Se . Colombia ( north to Meta ) , e . Ecuador , e . Peru , n . and e ... zonatus Campylorhynchus albobrunneus none of them musical . Reported 70 THE BIRDS OF SOUTH AMERICA.
... zonatus , says that it differs especially in form from the latter by longer wings ; and as while the Mexican bird ... Campylorhynchus balteatus . Campylorhynchus nuchalis is easily distinguished by smaller size ; broader stripes on ...
... zonatus , it seems proper to name the Mexican bird pallescens , especially as Lafresnaye gives Mexico as the ... Campylorhynchus balteatus . Campylorhynchus nuchalis is easily distinguished by smaller size ; broader stripes on the ...
... Campylorhynchus nuchalis 101 brevirostris, Campylorhynchus zonatus 30, 104 British Dipper. See Eurasian Dipper British Guiana Wren. See Coraya Wren Brown Cactus Wren. See Thrush-like Wren Brown Dipper 20 62, 202 Brown Thrasher 28 78 ...