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Shorebird Ecology, Conservation, and Management
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... Charadrius tricollaris tricollaris Charadrius tricollaris bifrontatus Charadrius forbesi Charadrius marginatus ... collaris Charadrius alticola Charadrius falklandicus Charadrius bicinctus bicinctus Charadrius bicinctus exilis ...
The Ibis
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... Charadrius collaris collaris Vieill . " Charadrius collaris Vieillot , Nouv . Dict . d'Hist . Nat . xxvii . p . 136 ( 1817 - Based on the " Mbatuitui collar negro ' of Azara from Paraguay ) . Charadrius azarai Temminck , Pl . Col ...
The Geographical Distribution of the Family Charadriidæ Or ...
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Henry Seebohm. MEF CHARADRIUS COLLARIS . AZARA'S SAND - PLOVER . CHARADRIUS , subgen . Ægialophili minores , pedibus pallidis : nuchâ nec collari nigro , nec collari Diagnosis . albo ornatâ : pectore fasciâ nigrâ notato . No local races ...
National Geographic Birder's Journal
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... Charadrius leschenaultii Collared Plover Charadrius collaris Snowy Plover Charadrius alexandrinus Wilson's Plover Charadrius wilsonia Common Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula Semipalmated Plover Charadrius semipalmatus Piping Plover ...
Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum
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... Charadrius collaris , Vieill . N. Dict . d'Hist . Nat . xxvii . p . 136 ( 1817 ) ; Gray , Gen. B. iii . p . 547 ( 1847 ) ; Hartl . Ind . Azara , p . 24 ( 1847 ) ; Schl . Mus . Pays - Bas , Cursores , p . 37 ( 1865 ) ; Gray , Hand - l ...
Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum: Limicolœ, by ...
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... collaris . Tweeddale Coll . Salvin - Godman Coll . ، Voy . H.M.S. Rat- tlesnake . ' Gould Coll . Salvin - Godman Coll . Mbatuitui collar negro , Azara , Apunt . iii . p . 291 ( 1803 ) . Charadrius collaris , Vieill . N. Dict . d'Hist ...
A Catalogue of the Collection of Birds Formed by the Late ...
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... collaris . Charadrius collaris , Vieill . N. Dict . d'Hist . N. xxvii . p . 136 : Schl . Mus . Pays - Bas , Cursores , p . 37 . Charadrius azaræ , Licht . Verz . Doubl . p . 71 : Cab . in Schomb . Reise n . Guiana , iii . p . 751 . af ...
The Birds of North and Middle America: A Descriptive ...
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... Charadrius nivosus tenuirostris ( Lawrence ) . 21. Charadrius collaris Vieillot . FAMILY SCOLOPACIDE . SNIPES , SANDPIPERS , etc ........... Key to the North and Middle American Genera of Scolopacidæ . Genus 1. Scolopax Linnæus ...
Wildlife Review
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... Charadrius alexandrinus ruficapillus Distribution / New Zealand 81-001479 Status / New Zealand 81-008563 Charadrius bicinctus exilis Foods / Feeding 81-008706 Habitat Use 81-008706 Charadrius collaris Breeding Season 81-001547 Charadrius ...
Shorebirds: Breeding Behavior and Populations
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... ( Charadrius ruficapillus ) Malaysian Sandplover ( Charadrius peronii ) Chestnut - banded Sandplover ( Charadrius venustus ) Collared Plover ( Charadrius collaris ) Double - banded Dotterel ( Charadrius bicinctus ) Two - banded Plover ...