... Chloroceryle inda 22cm Upperparts dark shining green. Spotted white on wings and tail. Throat and collar rufous ochre. Rest of underparts chestnut-rufous. Female has dark green breast-band, scaled white. V Song is a thin week-weekweek ...
Field Museum of Natural History. * Chloroceryle inda ( Linn . ) . GREEN AND RUFOUS KINGFISHER . Alcedo indo LINNAEUS , Syst . Nat . , I , ed . 12 , 1766 , p . 179 ( “ India occidentali " ) . Ceryle inda SHARPE , Mon. Alcedinidae , I ...
... Chloroceryle inda cc . Smaller , length about 132 mm . ( 5.20 in . ) . . . . . Chloroceryle a . ænea 1. Megaceryle torquata torquata ( Linnæus ) Ringed Kingfisher Streptoceryle torquata torquata RIDGWAY , Birds of N. and M. Amer . , VI ...
... ( Chloroceryle inda chocoensis ) . Male . Essentially a larger version of Pygmy Kingfisher , but no white below . Female with dark chest band . p . 233 10. RINGED KINGFISHER ( Ceryle t . torquata ) . Male . Large size , blue - gray ...
... Chloroceryle amazona . AMAZON KINGFISHER . ( MA , SA ) . Chloroceryle americana . GREEN KINGFISHER . ( c Tex - SA ) . Chloroceryle inda . GREEN - AND - RUFOUS KINGFISHER . ( CA , SA ) ..... Chloroceryle aenea . AMERICAN PYGMY KINGFISHER ...
... Chloroceryle inda ( Linnæus ) . Green and Rufous Kingfisher . 130. Chloroceryle aenea aenea ( Pallas ) . Least Green Kingfisher . Male , Gatun , July 9 , 1911. Iris black , bill black with pale stripe on the gonys , feet sooty - brown ...
... Chloroceryle inda . Green - and - rufous Kingfisher . Permanent resident . CRB : Rare in aquatic habi- tats of humid forest . This species reaches its northern limits in Nicara- gua . Lawrence ( 1867 ) recorded one specimen from ...