Chloroceryle inda from
... Chloroceryle inda 22cm Upperparts dark shining green. Spotted white on wings and tail. Throat and collar rufous ochre. Rest of underparts chestnut-rufous. Female has dark green breast-band, scaled white. V Song is a thin week-weekweek ...
Chloroceryle inda from
Field Museum of Natural History. * Chloroceryle inda ( Linn . ) . GREEN AND RUFOUS KINGFISHER . Alcedo indo LINNAEUS , Syst . Nat . , I , ed . 12 , 1766 , p . 179 ( “ India occidentali " ) . Ceryle inda SHARPE , Mon. Alcedinidae , I ...
Chloroceryle inda from
... Chloroceryle aenea Kingfisher , Green Chloroceryle americana Kingfisher , Green - and - rufous Chloroceryle inda Kingfisher , Mangrove Halcyon sengaloides Kingfisher , Pied Ceryle rudis Kingfisher , Ringed Megaceryle torquata ...
Chloroceryle inda from
... Chloroceryle inda cc . Smaller , length about 132 mm . ( 5.20 in . ) . . . . . Chloroceryle a . ænea 1. Megaceryle torquata torquata ( Linnæus ) Ringed Kingfisher Streptoceryle torquata torquata RIDGWAY , Birds of N. and M. Amer . , VI ...
Chloroceryle inda from
... Chloroceryle inda (lc) green kingfisher, Chloroceryle americana (lc) Amazon kingfisher, Chloroceryle amazona (lc) crested kingfisher, Megaceryle lugubris (lc) giant kingfisher, Megaceryle maxima (lc) ringed kingfisher, Megaceryle ...
Chloroceryle inda from
... ( Chloroceryle inda chocoensis ) . Male . Essentially a larger version of Pygmy Kingfisher , but no white below . Female with dark chest band . p . 233 10. RINGED KINGFISHER ( Ceryle t . torquata ) . Male . Large size , blue - gray ...
Chloroceryle inda from
... Chloroceryle amazona . AMAZON KINGFISHER . ( MA , SA ) . Chloroceryle americana . GREEN KINGFISHER . ( c Tex - SA ) . Chloroceryle inda . GREEN - AND - RUFOUS KINGFISHER . ( CA , SA ) ..... Chloroceryle aenea . AMERICAN PYGMY KINGFISHER ...
Chloroceryle inda from
... Chloroceryle inda Chloroceryle americana Chloroceryle amazona Crested Kingfisher Megaceryle lugubris Giant Kingfisher Megaceryle maxima Ringed Kingfisher Megaceryle torquata Belted Kingfisher Megaceryle alcyon Pied Kingfisher Ceryle ...
Chloroceryle inda from
... Chloroceryle inda ( Linnæus ) . Green and Rufous Kingfisher . 130. Chloroceryle aenea aenea ( Pallas ) . Least Green Kingfisher . Male , Gatun , July 9 , 1911. Iris black , bill black with pale stripe on the gonys , feet sooty - brown ...
Chloroceryle inda from
... Chloroceryle inda . Green - and - rufous Kingfisher . Permanent resident . CRB : Rare in aquatic habi- tats of humid forest . This species reaches its northern limits in Nicara- gua . Lawrence ( 1867 ) recorded one specimen from ...