... Claravis pretiosa , and it was a common sight to see small flocks of them about the houses in Boruca and Buenos Aires . Their food seems to consist chiefly of the seeds of grass and weeds . 30. Claravis pretiosa pretiosa ( Ferrari ...
... Claravis godefrida , adult male ( extralimital ) .a cc . Foreneck and chest deep chocolate . ( Southern Mexico to Venezuela and Perú . ) ..... Claravis mondetoura , adult male ( p . 435 ) . aa ... Claravis pretiosa (Ferrari-Perez)
... Claravis godefrida , adult male ( extralimital ) .a cc . Foreneck and chest deep chocolate . ( Southern Mexico to Venezuela and Peru . ) ....... Claravis mondetoura , adult male ( p . 435 ) . aa ... Claravis pretiosa (Ferrari-Perez)
... Claravis pretiosa livida subsp . nov . COLOMBIAN GRAY DOVE . Type from Rio Cauca , Colombia , ở adult , No. 4056 , coll . of E. A. and 0. Bangs . Collected June , 1898 , by J. H. Batty . Characters . - Very similar to true C. pretiosa ...
... Claravis pretiosa Host species 1 Host species 2 Host species 2 Host species 3 Host species 3 Host species 2 ( D ) Host species 3 Host species 2 Columbina inca- Columbina passerina Patagioenas fasciata Patagioenas subvinacea ...
... Claravis pretiosa ( Ferrari - Perez ) . Claravis pretiosa ALLEN , Bull . Am . Mus . Nat . Hist . , XIII , 1900 , 128 ( Minca , Cacagualito , and Mamatoco ) . Four specimens : Bonda and La Tigrera . After again going over our series ...