The lovely cotinga (Cotinga amabilis) is a species of bird in the family Cotingidae. It is found in North and Central America from southern Mexico through ...

Lovely cotinga

The lovely cotinga is a species of bird in the family Cotingidae. It is found in North and Central America from southern Mexico through Guatemala, Belize, Honduras and Nicaragua to Costa Rica with reports from western Panama. Its natural habitats... Wikipedia
Scientific name: Cotinga amabilis
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Unobtrusive, rather chunky bird of forest canopy in tropical forest of humid lowlands. Most often seen as a single male perched on exposed high branches.
Because these birds are quiet and silent, and prefer the higher strata of the forest, little is known about their behavior, social organization and reproductive ...
Feb 4, 2022 · The lovely cotinga (Cotinga amabilis) is a species of bird in the family Cotingidae. It is found in North and Central America from southern Mexico through ...
It is found in North and Central America from southern Mexico through Guatemala, Belize, Honduras and Nicaragua to Costa Rica with reports from western Panama.
Habitat: This cotinga species can be found in lowland forests. Distribution: This species has been reported from southeastern Mexico to eastern Costa Rica.
…Cotingidae are the light blue Cotinga amabilis, found from Mexico to Costa Rica, and the reddish lavender Xipholena punicea of the Guiana Highlands and Brazil.
This species has a very large range, and hence does not approach the thresholds for Vulnerable under the range size criterion (Extent of Occurrence <20,000 km2 ...
Male Lovely Cotinga is mostly turquoise blue, with a purple throat and a large purple patch on the belly; the wings and tail are mostly black.
Lovely Cotinga. View Profile. overview characteristics geography timeline information & media contact. Overview. Scientific Name. Cotinga amabilis.