Cyclarhis gujanensis common name from
Cross-referenced English, Spanish, Scientific. 7801 . - Ptilogonys cinereus Gray silky - flycatcher ( Silky ) ... Common starling Estornino 8100 . CYCLARHIDAE - Peppershrikes Los Alegrines . 8101 . - Cyclarhis gujanensis Rufous ...
Cyclarhis gujanensis common name from
... Common Name Tepui Greenlet Sex N Mean S.D. M 2 11.2 Min Max Season Location Source # 10 12.5 Venezuela 296 ... Cyclarhis gujanensis Rufous - browed Peppershrike U 26 28.8 22.5 35 Trinidad 359 Cyclarhis nigrirostris Black - billed ...
Cyclarhis gujanensis common name from
... Common Name Dot-winged Antwren Scaled Antpitta Yellow-bellied Tyrannulet Stub-tailed Spadebill Royal Flycatcher ... Cyclarhis gujanensis Special Concern Tufted Jay Cyanocorax dickeyi Endangered Purplish-backed Jay Cyanocorax ...
Cyclarhis gujanensis common name from
... Cyclarhis gujanensis TAXONOMY Cyclarbis gujanensis Gmelin J.F. , 1789 . OTHER COMMON NAMES French : Sourciroux mélodieux ; German : Rostbrauenvireo ; Spanish : Alegrín de Cejas Rojizas . PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS 5.5-6 in ( 14-15 cm ) ...
Cyclarhis gujanensis common name from
... Common name size Reference. Empidonax alnorum Empidonax difficilis Empidonax trailii Empidonax virescens Myiarchus cinerascens Myiarchus crinitus Sayornis phoebe Oxyruncus cristatus Vireonidae Cyclarhis gujanensis Vireo altiloquus Vireo ...
Cyclarhis gujanensis common name from
... Common name ( PT ) M S Bagageiro O Piolhinho O Tricolino Re Amarelinho - do - junco Re João - pobre O Re Alegrinho O ... Cyclarhis gujanensis Hylophilus pectoralis Vireo chivi Vireo altiloquus. 12 Mangrove and Salt Marsh Migratory ...
Cyclarhis gujanensis common name from
Common Name Scientific Name Country of Origin Number Reported LANIIDAE Crimson - breasted Bush- Shrike Laniarius ... Cyclarhis gujanensis Bolivia 1 STURNIDAE + Redwing Starling Onychognathus morio Tanzania 5 Purple [ -headed ] ...
Cyclarhis gujanensis common name from
... Cyclarhis gujanensis Corvidae Cyanocitta stelleri Cyanocorax yncas Cyanocorax morio pía Cyanocorax serenqueque ... Common Martin , Gray - breasted Swallow , Mangrove Swallow , Violet - green Swallow , Northern Rough- winged Swallow ...
Cyclarhis gujanensis common name from
... common name for Telophorus viridis is something of a mystery, but Perrin is an anglicised version of Perrein, and ... Cyclarhis gujanensis perrygoi Wetmore, 1950 Watson Mondell Perrygo (1906–1984) was an American taxi- dermist who ...
Cyclarhis gujanensis common name from
... Common names of tropical resident vireos I mentioned in text and tables 2-4 American Ornithologists ' Union 1957 ... name Scientific name Π Cyclarhinae ( Peppershrikes ) Rufous - browed Peppershrike Cyclarhis gujanensis Black - billed ...