The Gray Catbird belongs to the genus Dumetella, which means “small thicket.” And that's exactly where you should go look for this little skulker. The oldest ...
The gray catbird (Dumetella carolinensis), also spelled grey catbird, is a medium-sized North American and Central American perching bird of the mimid family.
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8-9 1/4" (20-23 cm). Slim and long-tailed; often flips tail about expressively. Smooth gray all over with black cap, chestnut undertail coverts.
Medium-sized songbird with a smooth gray body, black cap, and rusty-red undertail coverts. Sexes alike. Occurs in shrubby habitats.
Gray catbirds breed during the spring and summer. They usually raise two broods per season. Breeding season: Gray catbirds breed between April and early August.
This is a bird with a broad wintering range, from the southern New England coast south to Panama, with concentrations on the US Gulf coast and the Yucatan ...
The gray catbird, also spelled grey catbird, is a medium-sized North American and Central American perching bird of the mimid family.
The gray catbird (Dumetella carolinensis), also spelled grey catbird, is a medium-sized North American and Central American perching bird of the mimid ...
This species has an extremely large range, and hence does not approach the thresholds for Vulnerable under the range size criterion.
A catbird, known for its calls that sound like a cat's meow, is photographed perching on a branch.