The white-tailed kite (Elanus leucurus) is a small raptor found in western North America and parts of South America. It replaces the related Old World ...
Mostly white, small hawk. Gray wings and back with black shoulders. Hovers over open areas in search of mice, snakes, and other prey.
The White-tailed Kite is native to North America along the pacific coast region as well as southern Texas and southern Florida.

White-tailed kite

The white-tailed kite is a small raptor found in western North America and parts of South America. It replaces the related Old World black-winged kite in its native range. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Elanus leucurus
Conservation status: Least Concern (Population increasing)
Mass: 9.9 oz (Adult)
Class: Aves
Domain: Eukaryota
Family: Accipitridae

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White-tailed Kites have a tiny range in the U.S., but they occur throughout the Americas, breeding as far south as Chile and Argentina. A closely related and ...
It is a conspicuous bird, easily identified by its bright plumage and characteristic hovering while hunting for its main prey, small mammals. Nonbreeding ...
White-tailed Kite (Elanus leucurus) Range Information |Candidate Info |Federal Register |Recovery |Critical Habitat |SSA |Conservation Plans |Petitions | ...
This graceful hawk was considered rare and endangered in North America, restricted to a few sites in California and Texas.
A small to medium-sized raptor with narrow, pointed wings and a long tail. When perched, it looks rather big-headed with a long and skinny body.
Aug 2, 2024 · American elanus differs from Old World kites in greater size and weight, in proportions (relatively longer tail and small bill and feet), plumage pattern.
The white-tailed kite (Elanus leucurus) is a small raptor found in western North America and parts of South America.