The white-tailed kite (Elanus leucurus) is a small raptor found in western North America and parts of South America. It replaces the related Old World ...
Mostly white, small hawk. Gray wings and back with black shoulders. Hovers over open areas in search of mice, snakes, and other prey.
The White-tailed Kite is native to North America along the pacific coast region as well as southern Texas and southern Florida.
People also ask
Are white-tailed kites rare?
At a Glance. As recently as the 1940s, this graceful hawk was considered rare and endangered in North America, restricted to a few sites in California and Texas. In recent decades, it has increased greatly in numbers and spread into many new areas.
Where do white-tailed kites nest?
White-tailed Kites typically nest in the upper third of trees that may be 10–160 feet tall. These can be open-country trees growing in isolation, or at the edge of or within a forest.
Is a White-tailed Kite a hawk?
Small hawk that is pale gray above with black shoulders and a white head.
What are the predators of the White-tailed Kite?
Diet: They will commonly flap to hover in place and scan the ground for small mammal prey such as the California vole, though occasionally they will eat birds, insects, or lizards. Predators: Red-tailed Hawks, Peregrine Falcon, Prairie Falcon (not at UCSC), and Great Horned Owls.
White-tailed Kites have a tiny range in the U.S., but they occur throughout the Americas, breeding as far south as Chile and Argentina. A closely related and ...
This kite inhabits open grasslands and savannah-like habitats. It is a conspicuous bird, easily identified by its bright plumage and characteristic hovering.
Oct 4, 2024 · White-tailed Kite - Natureserve Global Rank: G5.
The white-tailed kite (Elanus leucurus) is a small raptor found in western North America and parts of South America.
This species has an extremely large range, and hence does not approach the thresholds for Vulnerable under the range size criterion.
Elanus leucurus majusculus: W and s US to w Panama. Source: Clements checklist. English: White-tailed Kite Catalan: Elani de cua blanca. Czech ...
species: Elanus leucurus (White-tailed Kite, Élanion à queue blanche). Compare AOU treatments of Elanus leucurus, in Avibase (1886 to present). Search for ...