The white-tailed kite (Elanus leucurus) is a small raptor found in western North America and parts of South America.
Mostly white, small hawk. Gray wings and back with black shoulders. Hovers over open areas in search of mice, snakes, and other prey.
White-tailed kite
The white-tailed kite is a small raptor found in western North America and parts of South America. It replaces the related Old World black-winged kite in its native range. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Elanus leucurus
Conservation status: Least Concern (Population increasing)
Mass: 9.9 oz (Adult)
Family: Accipitridae
Domain: Eukaryota
Genus: Elanus
Source: Encyclopedia of Life
People also ask
Do Kites live in the US?
An American Kite
The population that nests in the United States breeds from coastal South Carolina to Florida and west to Louisiana and eastern Texas. These U.S. birds winter in South America. The other subspecies, comprising the majority of the world's Swallow-tailed Kites, is resident in Central and South America.
Do white-tailed kites mate for life?
White-tailed Kites form monogamous pairs in December that last until August. Nests are built 20-50 feet high in trees and are often built near other pairs. About 4 eggs are laid and, after hatching, the male will hunt while the female stays with the nest.
Where do white-tailed kites nest?
Nest placed near top of dense oak, willow, or other tree stand; usually 6-20 m (20-100 ft) above ground (Dixon et al. 1957). Nest located near open foraging area. Water: Probably meets water requirements from prey.
Is a White-tailed Kite the same as a Black-shouldered Kite?
The White-tailed Kite was formerly known as the Black-shouldered Kite, until the species was split, with the North American birds taking the new moniker. The White-tailed Kite is a distinctive bird, especially when hovering over open fields. The kite's upperparts are mostly gray, with bold black shoulders.
The White-tailed Kite is native to North America along the pacific coast region as well as southern Texas and southern Florida.
Feeding: Preys mostly on voles and other small, diurnal mammals, occasionally on birds, insects, reptiles, and amphibians.
It is a conspicuous bird, easily identified by its bright plumage and characteristic hovering while hunting for its main prey, small mammals. Nonbreeding ...
Ecology and Life History ˇ Length: 41 centimeters ˇ Weight: 350 grams ˇ Reproduction Comments: Female incubates usually 4-5 eggs for about 30-32 days; male ...
The white-tailed kite (Elanus leucurus) is a small raptor found in western North America and parts of South America.
This species has an extremely large range, and hence does not approach the thresholds for Vulnerable under the range size criterion (Extent of Occurrence < ...
This mid-sized raptor is characterized by black wingtips and shoulders, a rounded tail, and elongated wings and tail.
TYPE LOCALITY: Paraguay. SOURCE: Avibase, 2024. Definitions. ELANUS: elanus: leucurum / ...