Emberizoides herbicola from
... Emberizoides herbicola Wedge - tailed Grass Finch E Bolivia to E Brazil , Paraguay , N Argentina and Uruguay Vieillot , 1817 Emberizoides herbicola lucaris Costa Rica Wedge - tailed Grass Finch SW Costa Rica Bangs , 1908 Emberizoides ...
Emberizoides herbicola from
... Emberizoides herbicola Pl . 56 , Map 1465 Identification : 7.5 " ( 19cm ) . Bill black above , yellow below . Very long tail strongly graduated and pointed . Brown to grayish brown above heavily streaked blackish ; wings tinged olive ...
Emberizoides herbicola from
... Emberizoides herbicola , 1910 , 641 ; 1911 , 100 . macrourus , 1906 , 668 . herbicola , 1910 , 642 . itarareus , 1908 , 384 . lucaris , 1908 , 523 . ypirangensis , 1908 , 384 . sphenurus , 1910 , 641 ; 1911 , 100 . herbicola , 1911 ...
Emberizoides herbicola from
... Emberizoides herbicola . Cola aguda encuentro amarillo , Azara , Apunt . ii . p . 257 ( 1802 ) . Sylvia herbicola , Vieill . N. Dict . d'Hist . Nat . xi . p . 192 ( 1817 ) . Emberizoides marginalis , Temm . Pl . Col. iii . pl . 114. fig ...
Emberizoides herbicola from
... Emberizoides herbicola herbicola ( Vieillot ) Canario do Campo Emberizoides macrourus GMELIN , Lüderwaldt , p . 358 . Seen by Lüderwaldt two or three times in a marshy spot near the house at Alto Itatiaya ( 7150 ft . ) . I recorded the ...
Emberizoides herbicola from
... Emberizoides herbicola . Cola aguda encuentro amarillo , Azara , Apunt . ii . p . 257 ( 1802 ) . Sylvia herbicola , Vieill . N. Dict . d'Hist . Nat . xi . p . 192 ( 1817 ) . Emberizoides marginalis , Temm . Pl . Col. iii . pl . 114. fig ...
Emberizoides herbicola from
... Emberizoides herbicola . Cola aguda encuentro amarillo , Azara , Apunt . ii . p . 257 ( 1802 ) . Sylvia herbicola , Vieill . N. Dict . d'Hist . Nat . xi . p . 192 ( 1817 ) . Emberizoides marginalis , Temm . Pl . Col. iii . pl . 114. fig ...
Emberizoides herbicola from
James Lee Peters Ernst Mayr, Melvin Alvah Traylor, James Cowan Greenway. EMBERIZOIDES HERBICOLA Emberizoides herbicola lucaris Bangs Emberizoides sphenura lucaris Bangs , 1908 , Proc . New England Zool . Club , 4 , p . 34- Boruca , Costa ...
Emberizoides herbicola from
... Emberizoides herbicola Emerald, Blue-tailed 48, 278 Glittering-throated 49, 285 Plain-bellied 49, 283, 55 White-chested 49, 284 Empidonomus varius 81, 548, 41 v. rufinus See E. varius v. varius See E. varius Epaulettroepiaal 105,729 ...
Emberizoides herbicola from
... Emberizoides herbicola sphenurus ( Vieillot ) Los Micos , 4 , 39 . This series is indistinguishable from Guiana specimens and hence readily separable from the gray - backed race , apurensis , of north- western Venezuela . Presence of ...