The American kestrel (Falco sparverius), is the smallest and most common falcon in North America. Formerly called sparrowhawk.
American kestrels are small, sexually-dichromatic falcons. Males exhibit blue-gray wings and crowns, while females have reddish-brown wings and crowns.

American kestrel

The American kestrel, is the smallest and most common falcon in North America. Formerly called "sparrowhawk", a misnomer as it is a true falcon and is unrelated genetically to the Eurasian sparrowhawk, Accipiter nisus. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Falco sparverius
Family: Falconidae
Conservation status: Least Concern (Population stable)
Mass: 4.1 oz
Class: Aves
Domain: Eukaryota
Genus: Falco

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North America's littlest falcon, the American Kestrel packs a predator's fierce intensity into its small body. It's one of the most colorful of all raptors.
Our smallest falcon, the kestrel is also the most familiar and widespread in North America. In open country it is commonly seen perched on roadside wires.
Jun 21, 2024 · The smallest and most colorful falcon in North America, this feisty bird has adapted well to our city and can be found throughout the five boroughs.
The American kestrel (Falco sparverius) is the smallest and most common falcon in North America. It has a roughly two-to-one range in size over subspecies ...
The Southeastern American kestrel is the smallest falcon found in the US. This species of kestrel has a brownish back (dorsal) area with black flecking, a ...
Petite falcon roughly the same size as Mourning Dove, but with a larger head and wider tail. In flight, note long, narrow wings and square-tipped tail.
Aug 2, 2024 · Scientific Name: Falco sparverius Linnaeus, 1758. Other Common Names: American kestrel (EN) , Cernícalo Americano, Halconcito Colorado (ES) , Crécerelle d'Amé ...
Formerly known as the Sparrow Hawk, the American Kestrel is the smallest, most numerous, and most widespread North American falcon. Of the 13 kestrel species ...