Tiny hummingbird; male is striking with fabulous spiky orange crest, each feather tipped in black. Otherwise greenish with dark throat and conspicuous white ...
The rufous-crested coquette (Lophornis delattrei) is a species of hummingbird native to the tropical slopes of pacific South America.

Rufous-crested coquette

The rufous-crested coquette is a species of hummingbird native to the tropical slopes of pacific South America. Due to its small size and population, it is a rare sight even within its native region. Wikipedia
Higher classification: Lophornis
Scientific name: Lophornis delattrei
Conservation status: Least Concern
Rank: Species
Size: 6.4 cm to 7.0 cm

These coquettes spend very little time in the forest and instead feed on low flowering plants around shrubby clearings, roadsides, or the forest edge.
Mar 11, 2021 · The male Rufous-crested Coquette is most easily recognized by its long rufous-orange crest, as well as its green gorget (throat patch) with ...
Lophornis delattrei lessoni: Locally from sw Costa Rica to Andes of central Colombia; Lophornis brachylophus: S Mexico (Sierra Madre del Sur of Guerrero).
Scientific Name. Lophornis delattrei. Common Name. Rufous-crested Coquette. Kingdom. Animalia. Location in Taxonomic Tree. Genus. Lophornis. Species. Lophornis ...
The Rufous-crested Coquette is uncommon to rare in montane forests of the east slope of the Andes at elevations ranging between 500-1400 m.
Lophornis delattreirufous-crested coquette · Deuterostomia: pictures (15298) · Deuterostomia: specimens (6845) · Deuterostomia: sounds (709).
This species has an extremely large range, and hence does not approach the thresholds for Vulnerable under the range size criterion (Extent of Occurrence < ...
Identification record : Rufous-crested Coquette (Lophornis delattrei) is a bird which belongs to the family of Trochilidés and the order of Apodiformes.