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The Lincoln's Sparrow is a medium-sized sparrow with a dainty appearance. It has a rounded belly and head, but the back of its head often looks pointed or ...
Breeds in thickets and shrubby clearings, usually within mixed or coniferous forests. Can be found in any brushy or weedy habitat in migration and winter.
Lincoln's sparrow (Melospiza lincolnii) is a small sparrow native to North America. It is a less common passerine bird that often stays hidden under thick ...

Lincoln's sparrow

Lincoln's sparrow is a small sparrow native to North America. It is a less common passerine bird that often stays hidden under thick ground cover, but can be distinguished by its sweet, wrenlike song. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Melospiza lincolnii
Conservation status: Least Concern (Population stable)
Mass: 0.61 oz (Adult)
Order: Passeriformes
People also ask
How do you identify a Lincoln's sparrow?
Lincoln's Sparrows are also a medium sized sparrow; however, they are slightly smaller than Song Sparrows. With thin streaking on their crown, a thin streak behind their eye, and thin streaking on their breast, Lincoln's Sparrows have an overall more delicate appearance.
What is the difference between a Lincoln's sparrow and a Savannah sparrow?
Savannah Sparrows have shorter, notched tails. They have a yellowish stripe over the eye, no eyering, and lack Lincoln's Sparrow's buffy wash on the breast.
Who is Lincoln's sparrow named after?
Lincoln's Sparrow is named after Thomas Lincoln, a companion to John James Audubon. When Lincoln and Audubon were in Canada on a collecting expedition, Lincoln collected (shot) a specimen in Natashquan, Quebec, and it became the first “described” of this species. Audubon named the species after his friend.
Are song sparrows rare?
Very widespread in North America, this melodious sparrow is among the most familiar birds in some areas, such as the Northeast and Midwest.
The dainty Lincoln's Sparrow has a talent for concealing itself. It sneaks around the ground amid willow thickets in wet meadows, rarely straying from cover.
Generally a skulker in dense low cover, this sparrow often goes unnoticed during migration and winter -- especially in the East, where it is quite uncommon.
Lincoln's sparrow, Melospiza lincolnii, occurs, during breeding, in Alaska and across northern Canada south through the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific ...
May 12, 2023 · The Lincoln's Sparrow breeds primarily in subarctic and subalpine regions, exhibits a distinct preference for dense shrub cover, and is secretive in nature.
Small sparrow, sexually monomorphic in plumage. Usually solitary, highly secretive in behavior. Most easily distinguished from other sparrows by its rich, ...
Lincoln's Sparrow is a distinct microsite specialist, preferring low willow cover with dense ground vegetation and builds its nest in surprisingly boggy sites.
Lincoln's sparrow is a small sparrow native to North America. It is a less common passerine bird that often stays hidden under thick ground cover, ...