Mimus gilvus from
... Mimus gilvus ..... gilvus lawrencei melanopterus . .80 , 85 , 87 , 91 , 96 42 , 105 capitalis . 41 42 , 105 cinnamomeus 15 .22 , 32 , 73 , 97 erythrurus 18 , 41 7 sulphureipygius 21 , 41 .4 , 41 , 70 11 .25 , 41 , 96 Myiodioctes ...
Mimus gilvus from
... Mimus gracilis SCLATER , Proc . Zool . Soc . Lond . , 1859 , 343 , part ( Honduras ) .— TAYLOR , Ibis , 1860 , 110 ( Comayagua , Honduras ; habits ) .- BAIRD , Review Am . Birds , 1864 , 54 , part ( Honduras ) . [ Mimus ] gilvus ( not ...
Mimus gilvus from
... Mimus gilvus ...... . .80 , 85 , 87 , 91 , 96 pusillus gilvus lawrencei X gracilis ... melanopterus . nigriloris .. .36 , 50 , 67 2 , 103 55 , 103 mitratus .. pusillus pileolatus .. Myiodynastes hemichrysus .20 , 29 , 48 , 51 .29 ...
Mimus gilvus from
... Mimus gracilis SCLATER , Proc . Zool . Soc . Lond . , 1859 , 343 , part ( Honduras ) .— TAYLOR , Ibis , 1860 , 110 ( Comayagua , Honduras ; habits ) .— BAIRD , Review Am . Birds , 1864 , 54 , part ( Honduras ) . [ Mimus ] gilvus ( not ...
Mimus gilvus from
... Mimus Boie 22. Galeoscoptes carolinensis ( Linnæus ) Key to the Species and Subspecies of Mimus 23. Mimus ... gilvus gilvus ( Vieillot ) 234 29. Mimus gilvus rostratus Ridgway 236 30. Mimus gilvus columbianus ( Cabanis ) . 236 31 ...
Mimus gilvus from
Mimus gracilis ( not of Cabanis ) SCLATER and SALVIN , Ibis , 1859 , 7 , part ( Salamá , Vera Paz , Guatemala ; crit .; food ) .- CABANIS , Journ . für Orn . , 1860 , 410 ( " Costa Rica , " i . e ... Mimus gilvus lawrencei Ridgway.
Mimus gilvus from
... Mimus gilvus from St. Thomas in the ' Proceedings of the U. S. Nat . Museum , ' Vol . 7 , 1884 , p . 172. This record was based on one speci- men , part of a small collection of birds made by Messrs . Benedict and Nye from January 17-24 ...
Mimus gilvus from
... gilvus, Mimus 68, 213 gilvus, Mimus gilvus 213 Giraud's Canyon Wren. See Canyon Wren glabrirostris, Melanoptila 66, 209 God-bird. See Southern House Wren Gould's Wren. See White-bellied Wren graberi, Cistothorus platensis 119 Graceful ...
Mimus gilvus from
... Mimus gilvus columbianus Cabanis . Mimus melanopterus ( not of Lawrence ) WYATT , Ibis , 1871 , 115 , 320 ( Santa Marta ; habits ) . Mimus gilvus ( not Turdus gilvus Vieillot ) SALVIN and GODMAN , Biol . Centr.- Am . , Aves , I , 1879 ...
Mimus gilvus from
... Mimus gilvus columbianus ( Cabanis ) . Mimus columbianus CABANIS , Mus . Hein . , I , 1851 , 82 ( Colombia and Venezuela ) . Mimus gracilis CABANIS , Jour . für Orn . , 1860 , 410 ( Costa Rica , one specimen [ Hoffmann ] ...