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Did you mean: Monasa morpheus
Monasa morphoeus from
... Monasa flavirostris Monasa morphoeus Monasa morphoeus fidelis 268 Monasa morphoeus grandior 365 Monarcha melanopsis 336 Moupinia poecilotis 336 Mulleripicus fulvus 336 Mulleripicus fulvus wallacei 336 Mulleripicus funebris 170 ...
Monasa morphoeus from
... MONASA MORPHOEUS PERUANA Sclater . Monasa peruana SOLATER , Proc . Zool . Soc . , 1855 , p . 194 ( Chamicuros , Peru ) . Differs from a Bahia specimen only in the smaller amount of white about the base of the bill.34 Rio Cosireni , 1 ...
Monasa morphoeus from
... Monasa morphoeus ( extralimital ) .a ff . Smaller ( wing averaging 126.5 , tail 112.7 , exposed culmen 30.5 ) ; white capistrum more restricted . ( Eastern Ecuador , eastern Peru , and Bolivia ) ... .Monasa peruana ( extralimital ) . cc ...
Monasa morphoeus from
... Monasa morphoeus ( extralimital ) .a ff . Smaller ( wing averaging 126.5 , tail 112.7 , exposed culmen 30.5 ) ; white capistrum more restricted . ( Eastern Ecuador , eastern Peru , and Bolivia ) . .Monasa peruana ( extralimital ) .b cc ...
Monasa morphoeus from
... Monasa morphoeus ( extralimital ) .a ff . Smaller ( wing averaging 126.5 , tail 112.7 , exposed culmen 30.5 ) ; white capistrum more restricted . ( Eastern Ecuador , eastern Peru , and Bolivia ) ... .Monasa peruana ( extralimital ) .b ...
Monasa morphoeus from
A Journal of Zoology in Connection with the Tring Museum. 63. Monasa morphoeus ( Hahn ) . Bucco morphoeus Hahn , Vögel aus Asien , etc. , Lief . xiv . ( 1823 ) tab . 2 ( Brasilien ) . Monasa leucops Pelzeln , Zur Ornith . Brasil . i ...
Monasa morphoeus from
... Monasa mor- Monacha nigra ; see Monasa nigra . Monasa leucops ; see phoeus . Monasa morphoeus : Subulura forcipata . Subulura strongylina . Subulura travassosi . Monasa nigra : Subulura forcipata . Subulura strongylina . Subulura ...
Monasa morphoeus from
... Monasa morphoeus morphoeus ( Hahn & Kinter ) . No. 1928 ] 161 NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA.
Monasa morphoeus from
... Monasa morphoeus ( extralimital ) . ff . Smaller ( wing averaging 126.5 , tail 112.7 , exposed culmen 30.5 ) ; white capistrum more restricted . ( Eastern Ecuador , eastern Peru , and Bolivia ) Monasa peruana ( extralimital ) .b cc ...
Monasa morphoeus from
... Monasa Nunbird atra a) pallescens juvenile adult favours edges of várzea, gallery and terra firme forest, usually near water 3 Black-fronted Monasa nigrifrons Nunbird nigrifrons 2 White-fronted Monasa morphoeus Nunbird 'starbursts' on ...