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GPS tracking reveals stunning insights into the patterns of migratory birds
Aeon | a world of ideas
This documentary from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in New York captures one such effort to track the species Numenius phaeopus, or the common whimbrel.
1 month ago
"Drastic changes" could occur in bird life
Iceland Monitor
There are indications that there is a considerable decline in the number of common species of waders and shore birds in the South og Iceland.
1 month ago
Chhattisgarh gets a rare sighting of GPS-tagged long-distance migratory bird ‘whimbrel’
The New Indian Express
The whimbrel was photographed by bird watchers Himanshu Gupta, Jageshwar Verma and Avinash Bhoi in Berla.
6 months ago
GPS-tagged whimbrel captured on camera by birdwatchers in Chhattisgarh
Deccan Herald
As per information accessed by bird watchers, the whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus) was captured for the first time on November 16 last year in...
6 months ago
Faster migration in autumn than in spring: seasonal migration patterns and non‐breeding distribution of Icelandic whimbrels Numenius phaeopus islandicus - Carneiro - 2019 - Journal of Avian Biology
Wiley Online Library
Migration is fundamental in the life of many birds and entails significant energetic and time investments. Given the importance of arrival...
72 months ago
A-Z Animals
Prey: Small crabs and invertebrates, including insects; Fun Fact: The fastidious whimbrel sometimes washes off its prey before it eats it.
30 months ago
Whimbrel geo-tagged in Indian ocean island flies 6,000km to reach Ch’garh
Times of India
A geo-tagged Eurasian or Common Whimbrel bird flies 6000km from an Indian Ocean island to reach Berla dam in Bemetara district in...
6 months ago
Whither Went the Eskimo Curlew?
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (.gov)
This lanky, medium-sized, mottled brown shorebird with a decurved bill once darkened the skies with its migrations across the North American continent.
26 months ago
Eurasian Whimbrel
Drishti IAS
A long-distance migratory bird, the Eurasian or common whimbrel, tagged with a Global Positioning System (GPS) transmitter was captured on camera in the state...
6 months ago
Linking Weather and Phenology to Stopover Dynamics of a Long-Distance Migrant
We investigated how wind conditions, temperature and spring departure date may drive individuals to adopt either migratory behavior.
53 months ago