... Numenius phaeopus in the East Atlantic Flyway Office National de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage , Chanteloup - 85340 , Ile d'Olonne , France . Trolliet , B. 2006. Enigmas about Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus in the East Atlantic Flyway ...
... Numenius phaeopus hudsonicus SYNONYMS: Numenius hudsonicus, Phaeopus hudsonicus LONG-BILLED CURLEW Numenius americanus STATUS: Formerly common migrant and uncommon winter resident; now rare to uncommon migrant and very rare winter ...
... Numenius phaeopus phaeopus ( Linnaeus ) [ Scolopax ] Phæopus Linnæus , Systema naturæ , ed . 10 , tom . 1 , 1758 , p . 146 ( Europe ; type locality restricted to Sweden , apud Hartert ) . Range : A visitor from northwestern Asia ...