The northern potoo (Nyctibius jamaicensis) is a nocturnal bird belonging to the potoo family, Nyctibiidae. It is found from Mexico south to Costa Rica.
Bizarre, big-headed, and bug-eyed nocturnal bird with yellow eyes and cryptically streaked plumage. Found in wooded and semiopen habitats in tropical ...
The northern potoo (Nyctibius jamaicensis) is a nocturnal bird belonging to the potoo family, Nyctibiidae. It is found from Mexico south to Costa Rica and ...
An inhabitant of wet and dry forests, mangroves, and even towns, Northern Potoos are difficult to find during the day when their cryptic branch-like posture and ...
Nyctibius jamaicensis: forest to open areas in lowlands to hills of Sinaloa on Pacific slope, and Tamaulipas on Caribbean slope, southward through Mexico ...
Potoos (family Nyctibiidae) are a group of birds related to the nightjars and frogmouths. They are sometimes called poor-me-ones, after their haunting calls.
People also ask
Why is it called a ghost bird?
How rare is a potoo bird?
Why are potoo mouths so big?
Where does the ghost bird live?
Heard and seen in broadleaf forest. The bird was perched near the top of the canopy about 70 meters from us. The top of the canopy was about 20 meters above the ...
Northern Potoo is a medium sized potoo. The plumage primarily is brown, but heavily barred and mottled with gray, black and white on the upperparts.
ClassReptiliaturtles, snakes, lizards, and relatives. Reptilia: information (1) · Reptilia: pictures (8809) · Reptilia: specimens (170) · Reptilia: sounds ...
The Northern Potoo, Nyctibius jamaicensis, is a nocturnal avian enigma, cloaked in a tapestry of grey-brown plumage with a mosaic of black, grey, and cream.