Despite the fact that the population trend appears to be decreasing, the decline is not believed to be sufficiently rapid to approach the thresholds for ...
Connecticut Warbler. Oporornis agilis. Overview; Minnesota Breeding Bird Distribution; Breeding Habitat; Population Abundance; Conservation; Literature Cited.
Connecticut warbler (Oporornis agilis) Photo © Rob Curtis/The Early Birder. Features and Behaviors. FEATURES The Connecticut warbler averages about five and ...
Connecticut warblers live in grassy areas in forests as well as low, damp woods or swampy wilderness. These birds can also be found in fields that are brushy ...
The Connecticut Warbler is a neotropical migrant songbird and one of three species of warbler in the genus Oporornis that breeds in British Columbia. (Campbell ...
Large, skulky, seldom-seen warbler. Lemon-yellow below and olive-brown above with a gray hood and complete white eyering. Female slightly duller than male.
Learn about the Connecticut Warbler (Oporornis agilis). Explore species distribution maps and see photos & recent sightings. Download Birda for free.
76 foreground recordings and 6 background recordings of Oporornis agilis. Total recording duration 1:58:46.
Sep 24, 2010 · Information & Media. Below is a list of additional information and media on this taxon. You can further refine your results, or enter a search ...
Connecticut Warbler Oporornis agilis. Flight call description An abrupt, buzzy, slightly rising "dzik". Fig.1. New Jersey September 11,1998 (MO). Bird in ...