Did you mean: Geothlypis gutturalis
Oreothlypis gutturalis from
... OREOTHLYPIS . a . Above bluish gray , with a triangular patch of black on back ; chin , throat , chest . and upper breast cadmium orange ; no white on side of head . ( Highlands of Costa ... Oreothlypis Oreothlypis gutturalis (Cabanis)
Oreothlypis gutturalis from
... Oreothlypis ... 20 0 . Oriturus 520 mexicanus 520 , 521 Oaxaca Blue Bunting ... gutturalis .. 571 olivaceo - flava , Spermophila . 571 pachyrhyncha ... gutturalis . 571 hyemalis ... 276 , 286 , 287 , 288 , 290 Spizella ..... 306 ...
Oreothlypis gutturalis from
... gutturalis . Cactornis Camarhynchus . Spinites .... Spinus tristis .. 384 ... Oreothlypis .. 20 0 . Oriturus 520 mexicanus 520 , 521 Oaxaca Blue Bunting ... gutturalis . 571 olivaceo - flava , Spermophila . 571 pachyrhyncha ...
Oreothlypis gutturalis from
... Oreothlypis gutturalis ( p . 476 ) aa . Above olive - green , with pileum , hindneck , wings , and tail gray ; chin , throat , chest , and upper breast canary yellow , the chest with a ... Oreothlypis Oreothlypis gutturalis (Cabanis)
Oreothlypis gutturalis from
... Oreothlypis . with Compsothlypis gutturalis Cab . as type . " The known species are ( 1 ) Oreothlypis gutturalis ( Cab . ) and ( 2 ) Oreothlypis superciliosa ( Hartl . ) . " a1 Eyelids white a2 Eyelids dusky or black . b1 Abdomen white ...
Oreothlypis gutturalis from
... Oreothlypis gutturalis ( Cabanis ) . Compsothly pis gutturalis CABANIS , Jour . für Orn . , 1869 , 329 ( Volcan de Irazú , Costa Rica Frantzius ] ; coll . Berlin Mus . ) . - Parula gutturalis BAIRD , Review of Amer . Birds , 1865 , 169 ...
Oreothlypis gutturalis from
... gutturalis , Gray , Hand - l . B. i . p . 238 , no . 3452 ( 1869 ) . Oreothlypis gutturalis , Stejn . Auk , 1884 , p . 169 . Adult male . General colour above slaty grey , the mantle and upper back black , the feathers being broadly ...
Oreothlypis gutturalis from
... gutturalis , Gray , Hand - l . B. i . p . 238 , no . 3452 ( 1869 ) . Oreothlypis gutturalis , Stejn . Auk , 1884 , p . 169 . Adult male . General colour above slaty grey , the mantle and upper back black , the feathers being broadly ...
Oreothlypis gutturalis from
... Oreothlypis gutturalis 84 Oenanthe melanura ultima 472 Oreothlypis superciliosa 84 Oenanthe moesta 472 Oreothlypis superciliosa mexicana 84 Oenanthe moesta brooksbanki 472 Oreothlypis superciliosa palliata Oculocincta squamifrons ...
Oreothlypis gutturalis from
... Oreothlypis gutturalis ( p . 476 ) aa . Above olive - green , with pileum , hindneck , wings , and tail gray ; chin , throat , chest , and upper breast canary yellow , the chest with a ... Oreothlypis Oreothlypis gutturalis (Cabanis)