... OREOTHLYPIS . a . Above bluish gray , with a triangular patch of black on back ; chin , throat , chest . and upper breast cadmium orange ; no white on side of head . ( Highlands of Costa ... Oreothlypis Oreothlypis gutturalis (Cabanis)
... Oreothlypis gutturalis ( p . 476 ) aa . Above olive - green , with pileum , hindneck , wings , and tail gray ; chin , throat , chest , and upper breast canary yellow , the chest with a ... Oreothlypis Oreothlypis gutturalis (Cabanis)
... Oreothlypis . with Compsothlypis gutturalis Cab . as type . " The known species are ( 1 ) Oreothlypis gutturalis ( Cab . ) and ( 2 ) Oreothlypis superciliosa ( Hartl . ) . " a1 Eyelids white a2 Eyelids dusky or black . b1 Abdomen white ...
... gutturalis , Gray , Hand - l . B. i . p . 238 , no . 3452 ( 1869 ) . Oreothlypis gutturalis , Stejn . Auk , 1884 , p . 169 . Adult male . General colour above slaty grey , the mantle and upper back black , the feathers being broadly ...
... gutturalis , Gray , Hand - l . B. i . p . 238 , no . 3452 ( 1869 ) . Oreothlypis gutturalis , Stejn . Auk , 1884 , p . 169 . Adult male . General colour above slaty grey , the mantle and upper back black , the feathers being broadly ...
... Oreothlypis gutturalis ( p . 476 ) aa . Above olive - green , with pileum , hindneck , wings , and tail gray ; chin , throat , chest , and upper breast canary yellow , the chest with a ... Oreothlypis Oreothlypis gutturalis (Cabanis)