The sharpbill (Oxyruncus cristatus) is a small passerine bird in the family Tityridae. Its range is from the mountainous areas of tropical South America and ...
A unique species with a patchy distribution from Costa Rica to Brazil. True to its name, the bill is sharply pointed. Both sexes are olive-green above and ...
The Sharpbill is a highly distinctive bird with no close relatives, and for that reason it is placed in its own family, Oxyruncidae.
Sharpbill (Oxyruncus cristatus) - iNaturalist › taxa › 116998-Oxyruncus-cristatus
The sharpbill (Oxyruncus cristatus) is a small passerine bird in the family Tityridae. Its range is from the mountainous areas of tropical South America and ...
Geographic range: Oxyruncus cristatus cristatus: Disjunct ranges in se Brazil, s Paraguay, e Bolivia and e Peru; Oxyruncus cristatus hypoglaucus: Mountains ...
This species has an extremely large range, and hence does not approach the thresholds for Vulnerable under the range size criterion.
The Sharpbill (Oxyruncus cristatus) has a unique sharp-pointy bill. Greenish-olive upperparts with yellowish wingbars; inner secondary feathers fringed ...
Overview · Scientific Name · Location in Taxonomic Tree · Identification Numbers.
Sep 13, 2022 · We document the first record of Oxyruncus cristatus Swainson, 1821, Sharpbill, in the Brazilian state of Maranhão.
Oxyruncus cristatussharpbill · Reptilia: information (1) · Reptilia: pictures (8809) · Reptilia: specimens (170) · Reptilia: sounds (676).