... OXYRUNCUS Temminck . Oxyruncus TEMMINCK , Anal . du Syst . gén . d'Orn . , in Man . d'Orn . , ed . 2 , i . 1820 , p . lxxx . ( No type specified , but undoubtedly ... Oxyruncus Temminck Key to the Subspecies of Oxyruncus cristatus.
Robert Ridgway. Genus OXYRUNCUS Temminck . Oxyruncus TEMMINCK , Anal . du Syst . gén . d'Orn . , in Man . d'Orn . , ed . 2 , i , 1820 , p . lxxx . ( No type specified ... Oxyruncus Temminck Key to the Subspecies of Oxyruncus cristatus.
... Oxyruncus cristatus Sharpbill SE Brazil , E Paraguay and NE Argentina Swainson , 1821 Oxyruncus cristatus frater Frater's Sharpbill Costa Rica and W Panama Sclater , PL & Salvin , 1868 Oxyruncus cristatus brooksi Brooks Sharpbill E ...
OXYRUNCUS . The only material of this rare bird available for study is the ... cristatus ( Swains . ) from Brazil and of three females of O. c . frater ... Oxyruncus and Spindalis .
Genus OXYRUNCUS Temminck . Oxyruncus TEMMINCK , Anal . du Syst . gén . d'Orn . , in Man . d'Orn . , ed . 2. i , 1820 , p . lxxx . ( No type specified , but undoubtedly ... Oxyruncus Temminck Key to the Subspecies of Oxyruncus cristatus.
... Oxyruncus cristatus 오 ơ second year Bearded Bellbird Procnias averano 오 White Bellbird Procnias albus Ở third year 오 오 144 Black - necked Red - Cotinga Phoenicircus nigricollis Guianan Red - Cotinga Phoenicircus carnifex PLATE 183 ...