Passerina cyanea eggs from
... eggs and one Cowbird's on April 26 and one Cardinal egg and Cardi- nal baby May 5 . Indigo Bunting ( Passerina cyanea ) ... ( Passerina ciris ) Summer resident . Not seen by us on the campus until 1922 , since when there has been a pair each ...
Passerina cyanea eggs from
... eggs in late settings . 42. Agelaius phoeniceus phoeniceus . RED - WINGED ... passerina passerina . CHIPPING SPARROW.- Abundant . Two and three broods ... cyanea . INDIGO BUNTING . - Common . Young and eggs , June 6 , and in July ...
Passerina cyanea eggs from
... eggs each , and one three . SONG SPARROW . Melospiza melodia melodia ... Passerina cyanea . This species was not recorded here until May 27 , an ... eggs each , three three eggs each , five two eggs each , one one egg , and four ...
Passerina cyanea eggs from
... eggs respectively . A num- ber of old nests were also found . 44. Field Sparrow ( Spizella p . pusilla ) , May 9th ... ( Passerina cyanea ) , July 26th , 1915. Nest one foot above the ground in a clump of weeds beside a field of wheat , ...
Passerina cyanea eggs from
... Eggs of strepitans ; l . , 1. Anas sparsa ; l . , 99 99 P. , 99 3 . 99 ... Passerina cyanea ( Linn . ) ; 1. , North America ; d . , Hofmeyr , J. 1. Egg ... Eggs . ( 7. ) A perfect specimen of the Egg of this immense extinct ...
Passerina cyanea eggs from
... Passerina cyanea , sometimes surprises us . Three of the four eggs were immaculate ; the fourth , delicately dotted with cinna- mon - brown . Twelve days later , I passed the place , and discovered the same * pair , finishing a second ...
Passerina cyanea eggs from
... Passerina cyanea Spiza americana Pipilo erythrophthalmus Spizella arborea Spizella passerina Cardinalis cardinalis Pheucticus ludovicianus Guiraca caerulea Spizella pusilla Chondestes grammacus Passerculus sandwichensis Passerculus ...
Passerina cyanea eggs from
... EGGS ( UNMARKED ) . SECTION 1. NEST ON BRANCHES OF TREES OR BUSHES . PART 1. EGGS LESS THAN 60 IN . LONG . Eggs 2 ... Passerina cyanea . Indigo Bunting . PART 3. EGGS BETWEEN .90 AND 1.25 IN . LONG . Nest , a mat of loose twigs ...
Passerina cyanea eggs from
... Passerina ciris . Painted Bunting .. 32 Passerina cyanea . Indigo Bunting . 214 Pediocaetes phas , columbianus ... eggs . 4 eggs . 4 eggs and nest . 2 eggs and nest .. 1 egg .. 3 eggs . 4 eggs and nest .. 3 eggs and nest .. 1 egg ...
Passerina cyanea eggs from
... Passerina cyanea Spiza americana Pipilo erythrophthalmus Spizella arborea Spizella passerina Dendroica striata Dendroica cerulea Miniotilta varia Setophaga fruticilla Protonotaria citrea Helmitheros vermivorus Oporornis philadelphia ...