... eggs in late settings . 42. Agelaius phoeniceus phoeniceus . RED - WINGED ... passerina passerina . CHIPPING SPARROW.- Abundant . Two and three broods ... cyanea . INDIGO BUNTING . - Common . Young and eggs , June 6 , and in July ...
... eggs each , and one three . SONG SPARROW . Melospiza melodia melodia ... Passerina cyanea . This species was not recorded here until May 27 , an ... eggs each , three three eggs each , five two eggs each , one one egg , and four ...
... eggs respectively . A num- ber of old nests were also found . 44. Field Sparrow ( Spizella p . pusilla ) , May 9th ... ( Passerina cyanea ) , July 26th , 1915. Nest one foot above the ground in a clump of weeds beside a field of wheat , ...
... Eggs of strepitans ; l . , 1. Anas sparsa ; l . , 99 99 P. , 99 3 . 99 ... Passerina cyanea ( Linn . ) ; 1. , North America ; d . , Hofmeyr , J. 1. Egg ... Eggs . ( 7. ) A perfect specimen of the Egg of this immense extinct ...
... Passerina cyanea , sometimes surprises us . Three of the four eggs were immaculate ; the fourth , delicately dotted with cinna- mon - brown . Twelve days later , I passed the place , and discovered the same * pair , finishing a second ...
... EGGS ( UNMARKED ) . SECTION 1. NEST ON BRANCHES OF TREES OR BUSHES . PART 1. EGGS LESS THAN 60 IN . LONG . Eggs 2 ... Passerina cyanea . Indigo Bunting . PART 3. EGGS BETWEEN .90 AND 1.25 IN . LONG . Nest , a mat of loose twigs ...
... eggs . Referred Referred to Five eggs . to in bibliography under publication date , 1904 . 1894 , June 15 ; Long ... Passerina ( Passerina cyanea + Passerina amoena ) 38 1929 , in the northwest corner of Minnesota . Nest and eggs are.