... (Phoebastria irrorata): Associated Hatching Failure and Artificial Mitigation.” Avian Conservation and Ecology 1, no. 1: 2. Awkerman, Jill A., Kathryn P. Huyvaert, Jeffrey Mangel, Joanna Alfaro- Shigueto, and David J. Anderson. 2006 ...
... Phoebastria irrorata Waved Albatross 5 Tropical E Pacific; breeding confined to the Galápagos Is.; range to adjacent seas as far as S America. Phoebastria albatrus Short-tailed Albatross 4 NW Pacific. Breeds mainly on Tori-shima (Japan) ...
... (Phoebastria irrorata), which cansurvive at least 38 y (Douglas and Fernández 1997), thecare of both parents is necessaryto rearthe single offspring successfully: when one dies duringa nesting season theeggor chick is doomed (Croxall and ...