The scarlet tanager (Piranga olivacea) is a medium-sized American songbird. Until recently, it was placed in the tanager family (Thraupidae).
Male Scarlet Tanagers are among the most blindingly gorgeous birds in an eastern forest in summer, with blood-red bodies set off by jet-black wings and tail.

Scarlet tanager

The scarlet tanager is a medium-sized American songbird. Until recently, it was placed in the tanager family, but it and other members of its genus are now classified as belonging to the cardinal family. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Piranga olivacea
Conservation status: Least Concern (Population stable)
Mass: 1 oz (Adult)
Family: Cardinalidae
Wingspan: 9.8-11.4 inches
Class: Aves
Genus: Piranga
People also ask
Is it rare to see a scarlet tanager?
More than 250 species of tanagers are in the Western Hemisphere, only 6 of which are found in North America. And only one, the scarlet tanager, frequents the New England woods. They are not easy to find in July and August. Usually, they are just below the canopy, in tall oaks or sugar maples.
How to attract Scarlet Tanagers to your yard?
If you'd like to try and attract these beauties to come out of the woods to visit your yard try planting raspberry, huckleberry, serviceberry, mulberry, strawberry, and chokeberry on your property. These gorgeous birds will stick around for just a couple more weeks before migrating south for the winter.
What's the difference between a scarlet tanager and a cardinal?
Male. Northern Cardinals do not have the black wings or the black tail seen on breeding male Scarlet Tanagers.
Do Scarlet Tanagers mate for life?
Males compete for territories with other males during the breeding season. Scarlet tanagers are monogamous throughout a single breeding season, with males and females pairing up to breed and take care of young. Individuals select different mates from year to year.
7 1/2" (19 cm). Spring/summer male is our only brilliant red bird with black wings and tail (see crossbills). In late summer he molts into winter plumage.
Breeds in mature deciduous forests, usually staying high in the canopy. Migrants are also usually found in mature woodlands. Winters in northern South America.
Scarlet tanagers breed in eastern North America and winter in northern and western South America, from Panama in the north as far south as Bolivia. The breeding ...
The vivid red and black male Scarlet Tanager, a harbinger of spring in eastern North America, is among the most colorful and striking of our breeding birds.
FEATURES The scarlet tanager averages seven inches in length. The male has bright-red body feathers with black wing and tail feathers.
The scarlet tanager (Piranga olivacea) is a medium-sized American songbird. Until recently placed in the tanager family (Thraupidae), it and other members ...
A common forest bird of the northeastern and north-central United States. BBS data indicate a stable population throughout most of the range. Although a lot of ...
Description. 7 1/2" (19 cm). In breeding plumage, male brilliant scarlet with black wings and tail. In nonbreeding plumage, female and male olive green; male ...