The sulphur-winged parakeet (Pyrrhura hoffmanni), also known as Hoffmann's conure in aviculture, is a species of bird in subfamily Arinae of the family ...

Sulphur-winged parakeet

The sulphur-winged parakeet, also known as Hoffmann's conure in aviculture, is a species of bird in subfamily Arinae of the family Psittacidae, the African and New World parrots. It is found in Costa Rica and Panama. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Pyrrhura hoffmanni
Conservation status: Least Concern (Population stable)
Higher classification: Pyrrhura
Rank: Species
Family: Psittacidae

The Sulphur-winged Conure is the only Pyrrhura conure with yellow on its primary feathers. It is also the only member of its genus in its range.
Medium-sized parakeet with long pointed tail. Most distinctive in flight, when the wings look mostly bright yellow.
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The sulphur-winged parakeet (Pyrrhura hoffmanni), also known as the Hoffmann's conure in aviculture, is a medium-small parrot endemic to humid highland ...
The sulphur-winged parakeet, also known as the Hoffmann's conure in aviculture, is a medium-small parrot endemic to humid highland forests and woodlands in ...
The population trend appears to be stable, and hence the species does not approach the thresholds for Vulnerable under the population trend criterion (>30% ...
The sulphur-winged parakeet (Pyrrhura hoffmanni ), also known as the Hoffmann's conure in aviculture, is a medium-small parrot endemic to humid highland ...
The Sulphur-winged Parakeet is the northernmost species in the large genus of Pyrrhura parakeets. This species occurs in the highlands of southern Costa ...
Identification record : Sulphur-winged Parakeet (Pyrrhura hoffmanni) is a bird which belongs to the family of Psittacidés and the order of Psittaciformes.
Jul 22, 2016 · It is a beautiful medium sized conure, one of the biggest of genus Pyrrhura not very much spread yet in Europe, but with some breeders that ...