... RECURVIROSTRA . - Hind toe present . Toes webbed to the claws . Toes webbed to the claws . Bill recurved at tip . HIMANTOPUS . — Hind toe wanting . A short web between middle and outer toes at base ... RECURVIROSTRA AMERICANA . 703.
... RECURVIROSTRA . - Hind toe present . Toes webbed to the claws . Bill recurved at tip . HIMANTOPUS . - Hind toe wanting . A short web between middle and outer toes at base . Bill straight ... RECURVIROSTRA AMERICANA . 703.
... RECURVIROSTRA . - Hind toe present . Toes webbed to the claws . Bill recurved at tip . HIMANTOPUS . - Hind toe wanting . A short web between middle and outer toes at base . Bill straight ... RECURVIROSTRA AMERICANA . 703.
... RECURVIROSTRA . - Hind toe present . Toes webbed to the claws . Bill recurved at tip . HIMANTOPUS . - Hind toe wanting . A short web between middle and outer toes at base . Bill straight ... RECURVIROSTRA AMERICANA . 703.
... RECURVIROSTRA . - Hind toe present . Toes webbed to the claws . Bill recurved at tip . HIMANTOPUS . — Hind toe wanting . A short web between middle and outer toes at base . Bill straight ... RECURVIROSTRA AMERICANA . 703.
Frederick Du Cane Godman, Osbert Salvin. 1. Recurvirostra americana . American Avocet , Penn . Arctic Zool . ii . p . 502 , t . 21 1 . Recurvirostra americana , Gm . Syst . Nat . i . p . 6932 ; Salv . Ibis , 1865 , p . 1923 ; 1866 , p ...
... Recurvirostra Americana , Wils . Amer . Orn . , vol . vii . p . 126 . RECURVIROSTRA AMERICANA , Bonap . Syn . , p . 394 . RECURVIROSTRA AMERICANA , American Avocet , Swains . and Rich . F. Bor . Amer . , vol . ii . p . 375 . AMERICAN ...