Adult males. Lesser Goldfinch by Bryan Hix. Finches Silhouette Finches. Lesser GoldfinchSpinus psaltria. ORDER: Passeriformes; FAMILY: Fringillidae. HabitatOpen ...
The lesser goldfinch (Spinus psaltria) is a small finch in the genus Spinus native to the Americas. Lesser goldfinch. Male. Female both S. p. hesperophilus.

Lesser goldfinch

The lesser goldfinch is a small finch in the genus Spinus native to the Americas. As is the case for most species in the genus Spinus, lesser goldfinch males have a black forehead, which females lack. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Spinus psaltria
Mass: 0.28 – 0.41 oz (Adult)
Family: Fringillidae
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Clutch size: 3 – 4
Domain: Eukaryota

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Tiny yellowish finch. Blackish conical bill is stout, but sharply pointed. Long wings are black with one white wingbar and large white patch at the base of ...
Lesser goldfinches are small, stocky birds with short, round beaks and rounded, notched wings. They are mostly black in color, with yellow undersides.
The lesser goldfinch (Spinus psaltria) is a very small songbird of the Americas. Together with its relatives the American goldfinch and Lawrence's goldfinch ...
The Lesser Goldfinch is a small, social, seed-eating songbird that inhabits a wide variety of habitats of the western United States from Oregon east into ...
The lesser goldfinch is a very small songbird of the Americas. Together with its relatives the American goldfinch and Lawrence's goldfinch, it forms the ...
The Lesser Goldfinch is a small, social, seed-eating songbird that inhabits a wide variety of habitats of the western United States from Oregon east into ...
This species has an extremely large range, and hence does not approach the thresholds for Vulnerable under the range size criterion (Extent of Occurrence < ...
(Spinus psaltria ) ... Lesser goldfinches are found in a variety of habitat types. The population trend of these nongame birds is unknown. For most of the year, ...