Small seed-eating bird of humid tropical lowlands; fairly common. Found in grassy and weedy areas and forest edges, often in same places as slightly larger ...
Variable seedeater
The variable seedeater is a passerine bird which breeds from southern Mexico through Central America to the Chocó of northwestern South America. The taxonomy is confusing, and it was formerly considered a subspecies of Sporophila americana. Wikipedia
Conservation status: Least Concern (Population increasing)
Higher classification: Sporophila
Scientific name: Sporophila corvina
Family: Thraupidae
The variable seedeater (Sporophila corvina) is a passerine bird which breeds from southern Mexico through Central America to the Chocó of northwestern South ...
The Variable Seedeater is a standard Sporophila. It forages primarily seeds, and forages in pairs or in small groups, often with other seedeaters.
The variable seedeater (Sporophila corvina) is a passerine bird which breeds from southern Mexico through Central America to the Chocó of northwestern South ...
The variable seedeater is a passerine bird which breeds from southern Mexico through Central America to the Chocó of northwestern South America.
The variable seedeater (Sporophila corvina) is a passerine bird which breeds from southern Mexico through Central America to the Chocó of northwestern South ...
65 foreground recordings and 36 background recordings of Sporophila corvina. Total recording duration 36:08.
Aug 30, 2017 · The Variable Seedeater is very common in Costa Rica, whenever there is grass either on lots or at the edge of roads. On the Caribbean side, ...
Bird in the Sporophila Genus. ... No children of Variable Seedeater (Sporophila corvina) found. Names. Common Name: Variable Seedeater. Scientific Name ...
The variable seedeater is a passerine bird which breeds from southern Mexico through Central America to the Chocó of northwestern South America.