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The variable seedeater (Sporophila corvina) is a passerine bird which breeds from southern Mexico through Central America to the Chocó of northwestern South ...
Small seed-eating bird of humid tropical lowlands; fairly common. Found in grassy and weedy areas and forest edges, often in same places as slightly larger ...
The Variable Seedeater is a standard Sporophila. It forages primarily seeds, and forages in pairs or in small groups, often with other seedeaters.
The variable seedeater (Sporophila corvina) is a passerine bird which breeds from southern Mexico through Central America to the Chocó of northwestern South ...
This species has a very large range, and hence does not approach the thresholds for Vulnerable under the range size criterion (Extent of Occurrence <20,000 km2 ...
65 foreground recordings and 36 background recordings of Sporophila corvina. Total recording duration 36:08.
The variable seedeater is a passerine bird which breeds from southern Mexico through Central America to the Chocó of northwestern South America.
Sporophila corvinavariable seedeater · Passeriformes: pictures (2832) · Passeriformes: specimens (20) · Passeriformes: sounds (455).
Sporophila corvina corvina is a subspecies of birds with 104 observations.
Bird in the Sporophila Genus. ... No children of Variable Seedeater (Sporophila corvina) found. Names. Common Name: Variable Seedeater. Scientific Name ...