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Technical Report ... of the Department of Marine Biology, ...
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... Stercorarius sp . 29 ° 22.93 87 ° 44.23 3 12 - Nov - 92 0950 Stercorarius pomarinus 28 ° 17.16 89 ° 30.10 1 10 - Nov - 92 0725 Falco sparverius 29 ° 21.29 87 ° 51.27 1 12 - Nov - 92 1029 Stercorarius sp . 28 ° 13.45 89 ° 30.00 2 10 ...
Making of an Explorer: George Hubert Wilkins and the ...
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... Stercorarius pomarinus Pomarine Jaeger Sept. 3 Cape Kellett 817 10075 Stercorarius pomarinus Pomarine Jaeger Sept. 3 Cape Kellett 818 10076 Stercorarius pomarinus Pomarine Jaeger Sept. 4 Cape Kellett 819 10077 Stercorarius pomarinus ...
A List of British Birds
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... Stercorarius pomarinus . POMATORHINE SKUA , Lestris pomarinus Temminck , Man . d'Orn . 1815 , p . 514 : Arctic regions . Stercorarius pomatorhinus ( Temm . ) ; B. O. U. List , 1st ed . 1883 , p . 194 ; Saunders , Cat . Birds B. M. xxv ...
The Arctic Journal of Captain Henry Wemyss Feilden, R. A., ...
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... Stercorarius cataractes , see Stercorarius pomarinus Stercorarius cephus , 46 Stercorarius longicaudatus , 56 , 73 , 271 , 274-80 passim , 284-7 , 290-93 , 299 , 300 , 304 , 308 , 348 Stercorarius parasiticus , 46 , 65 , 68 , 71 , 281 ...
The Avifauna of the Pribilof Islands
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... Stercorarius pomarinus ( Temm . ) . Pomarine Jaeger . " Raz - boi - nik . " Stercorarius pomatorhinus , COUES , in Elliott's Rpt . Aff . Alaska , 1873 ; Reprint , 1875 , 196 ; Key , 1890 , 735. - ELLIOTT , Mon. Seal Ids . 1882 , 132 ...
DNA barcoding: a practical tool for fundamental and applied ...
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... Stercorarius longicaudus Stercorarius parasiticus Stercorarius parasiticus Stercorarius parasiticus Stercorarius parasiticus Stercorarius pomarinus Stercorarius pomarinus Stercorarius skua skua Sterna albifrons albifrons Sterna ...
The Fur Seals and Fur-seal Islands of the North Pacific ...
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... Stercorarius pomarinus ( Temm . ) . Pomarine Jaeger . " Raz - boi - nik . " Stercorarius pomatorhinus , COUES , in Elliott's Rpt . Aff . Alaska , 1873 ; Reprint , 1875 , 196 ; Key , 1890 , 735. - ELLIOTT , Mon. Seal Ids . 1882 , 132 ...
The Fur Seals and Fur-seal Islands of the North Pacific ...
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... Stercorarius pomarinus ( Temm . ) . Pomarine Jaeger . " Raz - boi - nik . " Stercorarius pomatorhinus , COUES , in Elliott's Rpt . Aff . Alaska , 1873 ; Reprint , 1875 , 196 ; Key , 1890 , 735. - ELLIOTT , Mon. Seal Ids . 1882 , 132 ...
The Fur Seals and Fur-seal Islands of the North Pacific ...
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... Stercorarius pomarinus ( Temm . ) . Pomarine Jaeger . " Raz - boi - nik . ” Stercorarius pomatorhinus , COUES , in Elliott's Rpt . Aff . Alaska , 1873 ; Reprint , 1875 , 196 ; Key , 1890 , 735. - ELLIOTT , Mon. Seal Ids . 1882 , 132 ...
The Greenland Entomofauna: An Identification Manual of ...
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... [ Stercorarius parasiti- cus ] ; Q. obliquus ( Mjöberg , 1910 ) [ Uria aalge , Uria lom- via ] ; Q. ornatus lineolatus ... pomarinus , Stercorarius skua ] ; Q. strepsilaris ( Denny , 1842 ) [ Arenaria interpres ] ; Rhynonirmus ...