... Sula granti , p . 7 , Galápagos Is . L.c. xiii . Nov. Zool . x , pp . 65–116 , pl . i . L.c. x , pp . 196–231 . ( E. Hartert . ) ( E. Hartert . ) L.c. x , pp . 435–480 , pls . xiii , xiv . ( E. Hartert . ) L.c. x , pl . ii . ( E ...
... (Sula granti, formerly S. dactylatra, see Pitman and Jehl 1998), the red-footed booby (S. sula), and the endemic blue-footed booby (S. nebouxii) (Figure 32). Reproduction in the Nazca booby is obligately siblicidal. Although Nazca ...
A Curated Collection of Wondrous Wildlife Joanna Bagniewska. Boobies Sula granti , Sula nebouxii on't snigger at the name ! The word " booby " actually comes gash word bebe , wing received this rather ... (Sula granti, Sula nebouxii)
... ( Sula granti ) In most respects except size , Nazca boobies are intermediate between the blue- footed and the red - footed booby . They are also plunge - divers , but feed further afield than the ... (Sula granti) is the largest booby in.