A Curated Collection of Wondrous Wildlife Joanna Bagniewska. Boobies Sula granti , Sula nebouxii on't snigger at the name ! The word " booby " actually comes received this rather unkind title either ... (Sula granti, Sula nebouxii)
... (Sula granti), using a population of breeding birds on the Gal ́apagos Islands. Thanks to National Geographic and the BBC in the past, and numerous cable channels more recently, everyone knows about the Gal ́apagos and its tortoises ...
... Sula granti , p . 7 , Galįpagos Is . L.c. xiii . Nov. Zool . x , pp . 65–116 , pl . i . L.c. x , pp . 196–231 . ( E. Hartert . ) ( E. Hartert . ) L.c. x , pp . 435–480 , pls . xiii , xiv . ( E. Hartert . ) L.c. x , pl . ii . ( E ...
... (Sula granti, formerly S. dactylatra, see Pitman and Jehl 1998), the red-footed booby (S. sula), and the endemic blue-footed booby (S. nebouxii) (Figure 32). Reproduction in the Nazca booby is obligately siblicidal. Although Nazca ...
Of Course I Could Do It Mike Todd. Red-footed booby (Sula sula) Red-footed booby (Sula Sula) ADULT MALE Nazca booby (Sula granti) Nazca booby (Sula Granti)