... Xiphocolaptes promeropirhynchus ignotus Ridgway . WOOD - HEWER . RIDGWAY'S Xiphocolaptes ignotus RIDGWAY , Proc . U. S. Nat . Mus . , 12 , p . 13 , Feb. 1890- Ecuador ( type in American Museum of Natural History , New York exam- ined ...
... Xiphocolaptes promeropirhynchus SCL . & SALV . , P. Z. S. , 1868 , 117 ( Venezuela ) . SP . CHAR . " Similar to the following [ X. promeropirhynchus ] but larger , paler , bill longer and pale horn - color , throat yellowish - white ...
British Museum (Natural History). Department of Zoology. 3. Xiphocolaptes promeropirhynchus . Dendrocolaptes promeropirhynchus , Less . Rev. Zool . 1840 , p . 270 ; Lafr . Rev. Zool . 1850 , p . 99 ; Sel . P. Z. S. 1855 , p . 142 ...