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inauthor: John Hughes from
... John Malkovich's great, shattering and definitive Tom — the "poet in the ... Hughes has made his film a catalog of worst travel experiences, but the ... In author William Goldman's heroic fantasy pastiche, everything is ...
inauthor: John Hughes from
... in author Tom Brown. Mr.Hug-hes -the many other books. 'nember of parliament judge. founded a -social colTennessee ... Hughes. the wholesome owe to Thomas omas. might ht attacking ng be expected to refrain from atta the dominion ...
inauthor: John Hughes from
... in, author of Don 't Butter Me Up! Refreshments Breakfast buffet: 8-1 0 a.m ... University Theatre, 8 p m. in the SRO Theatre. Kenan Hall, UNCW. $8 ... Hughes Gallery. St. John s Museum of Art. 114 Orange St., with the students ...
inauthor: John Hughes from
... John Collcos and John Huston (Part 4 of 4) g ARTS Now OM Out Of That MAX ... Hughes; pianist John Llll. and Sun Quatro. 4:0009 ABC Afterechool "First The ... in "Author! B3) Late Night WHh David LeHerman Guests Willie Nelson ...
inauthor: John Hughes from
... John F. Konnrrty concerns a disappearing Hilil. Fodpral .Indun Snrah IhiRhps wlio uspcl HIP Hiblc \\hrn slip swni'p in Lyndon H. .lolinson as prpsidpnt on Nov. 22, 1!H>3, drosn'l know where it is, and no one has said they have it. JudRp ...
inauthor: John Hughes from
... John F. Kennedy is tho one of the disappearing Bible., US. DUt. Judge Sarah T. Hughes,, who used the Bible when she swore in Lyndon B.. Johnson as President, doesn't know Is, and no one bas said they have it. Judge Hughes said ...
inauthor: John Hughes from
-EYECARE. DP R C. HUGHES, Jr •Contact l«w Fining 3320 E. Silver Springs Blvd ... In "Author at Work"; John Cassavetes must choose between success and the ... JOHN. M.D. (A4E) THE TYPISTS A one-act play focusing on the dreams and ...
inauthor: John Hughes from
... John D. Rockefeller ami George- Foster Peabody. both oeto. freiiarlans; also Governor Alfred .Smith, Herbert Hoover. Cardinal Hayes, Charles K. Hughes, Sir K. Itord-n ot Canada, Frank 13. K< In;;};, Jann Addnnif, L)r. Kicho: Mitrr i ...
inauthor: John Hughes from
... John John C. C. Hart. Hart. Organ polo, selected — Chos, Jin* tuows- Duet ... Hughes will Intro duco Mrs. SUmyon on this important occasion. of Mrs ... in author, and who Is a specialist In presenting. MRS. THOMAS STANYON.
inauthor: John Hughes from
... in "Author at Work"; John Cassavetes must choose between success and the ... Hughes. Robyn Navin After his mother's death, an 8-year old Sydney boy ... University basketball report. (TMPO) Crazy Eddta (TNN) Crook And Chase (USA) ...