The Black-bellied Whistling-Duck is a boisterous duck with a brilliant pink bill and an unusual, long-legged silhouette. In places like Texas and Louisiana, ...
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A spectacularly marked, sociable, noisy waterfowl. Often rests on low snags above water, and may perch high in dead trees. In North America found mostly ...
The black-bellied whistling duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis), formerly called the black-bellied tree duck, is a whistling duck that before 2000 bred mainly in ...
Black-bellied whistling duck
The black-bellied whistling duck, formerly called the black-bellied tree duck, is a whistling duck that before 2000 bred mainly in the southernmost United States, Mexico, and tropical Central to south-central South America. It can be found... Wikipedia
Conservation status: Least Concern (Population increasing)
Scientific name: Dendrocygna autumnalis
Mass: 1.7 lbs
Class: Aves
Domain: Eukaryota
Family: Anatidae
Kingdom: Animalia
Source: Encyclopedia of Life
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Gangly duck with long neck and legs. Unmistakable adult has chestnut-and-black body with electric pink legs and bill. Look for the bold white wing stripe, ...
The Black-bellied Whistling-Duck is a boisterous duck with a brilliant pink bill and an unusual, long-legged silhouette. In places like Texas and Louisiana, ...
Black-bellied whistling ducks graze on grasses in upland areas, but they also nest in tree cavities similar to wood ducks. This species is highly gregarious.
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